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…a certain underStanding…

out of Context -‘…stray signals of knowledge as anxious to understand us if we can absorb this growth that compels the bodies we inhabit like fiends forward perhaps driving an inner motive we barely consciously relate to being not the creatures we expected with bro-magnon swagger and language that has gathered a momentum as gods’ vomit upon others in elements contracting as though they too do not matter, repercussions as they gather the motions of waves in ring and shatter amongst that flotsam and jetsam that clatter and din splash in spatters of blood set with the cryptic writing they are adrift in this sea of a consciousness devoted to witness devolution as society’s brain batters into some submission the collective tribe of the most substance and wealth…’

…to abide by rule and Rhythm…

‘…a clown’s death with painted on tears dripping down to where heart is on my sleeve wiping away the wet the emotional debt i used to rage against when my body let me know that something was terribly wrong desanctimonious and i could not run away from the faces like feces schmeared upon the screen-lit smiles vapidly humming electrical wire sound trickling in from the empty surround that envelopes us with signals symbolic of the dread inherent in living through these lenses, and each a differing sight to behold if only for the fleeting moments we have Here though not always in listening to one another but to our own voices sometimes do we ever become aware of what a vessel like this can truly contain without being spilled as those cliches of milk…’ – out of Context.

…a Challenge renude…

out of Context -‘…i started writing all this material to begin with as a challenge not an obstacle to aid in the personal evolution that each of us enters into without knowing how or what the journey entails, and whose entrails have come one-eighty degrees for me so the stagnancy ends now as i begin to wage a battle with myself and nature and words and whatever powerful series of forces influences my decisions to accept the renewed challenge starting next month to write and publish my thoughts or poetry or whatever stories i have to share with what little audience i really have in the Out There for what i hope will go further than a year of this consistent practice making me better mind body and soul…’

myriad small creatures

feel inspired to write my own ‘anniversary’ post. it’s the fourth so there’s all fireworks and stuff going off right now and I realized it’s been just a couple days over a year since i moved here. i think mainly i’m inspired by the water breakthrough… after spending hours decyphering and sketching out the specs to get hook up to city water (hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh). I see it clearly.

((Going up there last week spur of the moment, exploring and deciding on a building spot, clearing some trees BY SELF(!)… has made it all so much more visible in my mind’s eye. Like the position of the little house i have designed, the details are flooding in now.  had a great day taking off according to my passion rather than thinking i need to plan and condense into fewer trips. Why? There’s …

how i got here

I know anew the ‘choice into realm of physicality’ reenactment (aka as ‘the repeating Fall OBEs’) proves larger realm and graduation. It was reality’s response to my succinct question HOW DID I GET HERE?

Which was prompted by a sensing of ‘limitations’ somehow coming to a head (92ish), like why can’t I know around these walls everywhere? And I guess I was like why do I miss some freedom or knowing-around-walls if that is just not how it is here. But next thing I knew I was just asking HOW? How did I get here? Clearly I’ve known more than I do now, so where was I before and how did I come to be here?

That reality ANSWERED me, and the response itself, are real to me. Realer than you so far, realer than my hand in front of my face, realer even than …



springquinox circle of elements

had been up multiple days working, hadn’t really prepared anything finalized for the ceremony, how can i be Air when it’s more like a wind tunnel than a logoic framework, don’t even have a statement of intent, some opening words, anything, let alone any props/material components that had been discussed in the brainstorming session. called Water and made my confession of ‘not feelin it’ and lack of preparation, and she had taken care of everything already, all components and general framework for the ceremony. big relief. ok I should try to live up to the appointment.

later on we set out. wind tunnel going strong, having trouble finding a ground in all that’s going on…an uncomfortable level of unknown, and about aspects which don’t tend to inspire such reaction. I try to ground but i feel the wind tunnel and …

to Confront the contagion

‘As insurance that things won’t always be this way…’


‘time-honored afflictions with duty their despoil and despotic authority’

Zombies of the Morning

out of Context;
‘somewhere there is a light that calls from the heavens… it seems that the devourers we are seem to enjoy the taste of other conscious entities, remarking upon the flavor as we saute them into subordination, and become fat and delirious as we engorge ourselves on their flesh… a savory feast on the minds of other species… mad, lusty, greedy hordes come through the gates upon arrival in a new land, and settle upon the exploitation of potential insight for that possibility for a plunderable wealth… to squat a conquest out of the fecal remains of the days as the go by, the glass globe surrounding our dimensions occasionally lets out a toxic snow as the seasons move again, and the years build into decades as the zombies wreak havoc upon the surface of the earth….’