…systematic corpse Grinder…

…this collective that a humanity as we know it has become even though ideally a try-as-we-might attitude has driven us onto the brink of being that which exists at an edge of mad ledge wedged in-between falling toward the societal or familial obligations as much those actual pursuits of happiness we recall when trying to think out too many options opinions and opportunities subject all at once because an anxious mind may lead one to transform alone that individual whose sole purpose is difficult to discern without needing some metaphors used as bridges to then transfer the free and formless energy into information or more specifically into something actively electric to act as engineer industriously working for the world’s complacency to grind soylent grey sacrificial fodder to be thrown into whatever gears as fuel move this incredulous machination that appears to serve humanity, but soon to reveal falsely-equipped fetish force utilized to be context-defining progress engine whose cost in casualty when life of the future is one thrust from the line-up with little actual preparation or affirmed solution to take any rightful placement above constant elimination of chosen targets cheating a chance at barely finding levers of enough advantage to allow something passing for freedom into the hierarchy sacred above many other variable rungs of fortune torture and disaster consequence while innocently challenging fears by trying to discover courage through the mighty pen as priceless power totem that is capable of shattering constrictive form, modeled upon a classical line of tradition while a crude manifest destiny crammed with incidental drama crossed and conflicted intentions especially when coming to conclusions presented as though facts that seem to bias information toward one slide or another into inevitable arguments that ensue once heated debate can churn the most neutral topics into frothing dark waters as drowning machines when we find ourselves caught still and windless slowing to a crawl then all stop aboard vessels of currency… tracked and enumerated in coded behaviors and doomed variables of a given triviality only proofed on a scale of nano-surveillance no one mind can fathom without a computational machine in its now matured size of economy affected by the similar states of unhinge that gambles everything else off in risking the failure and success via the many pathways to equity or applied compensation for the aptitude earned from a wanderlust series of odd jobs and stabs at career, culminating a yield for these circumstances a validating thing or artifact revealed by one person who predominantly carries the “biogryphting” data set to be developed further than what appears upon original surfacing as some immediate judgment value to be accredited to as part of a greater adventure at least as long as optimal delusions are used to describe a highly myopic subjectivity as flex and fit to fire that flux back into the programming, painting the whole vision upon a ceiling this amalgam of all optioned opinion creates or sustains in a version of the consensus reality carving out ways for a social standard as though stone for a sculptor to uniquely interpret the chunks left in the wake of powerfully-direct lines shifting and swirling in the secretive primal flush as the harmony of the cosmos sections off into smaller and smaller bits and bytes of datum to archive and categorize that haven’t yet been privatized though once the corrective terms of pattern push a larger picture with those frustrating jigsaw-shaped implementations human beings find awe and fascination in the mysterious made less so by asserted advancement forward with technology interjected and starting intergalactic sale instead of world soul…

thanks, khet_:/

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