…the sun, a glory Hole, for the demiurge…

…where is the light that falls upon us to illuminate the motions, as moments faithfully wander this forest of dangerous degrees, wondering aloud of captivity?… some psychic warfare plays across pages that come to us daily, without a hint of humor or irony, to shed insight toward our own uncertainty… the daze turns to hours and down briefly before they snap reality again into place as we knew it in previous incarnations, this is the tradition and for some this is progress even when very clearly it is not, dependent upon the right information to bolster confidence to try one’s hands at many things throughout this life until satisfaction is met… even if this meeting were to occur on the road, and should an embodiment of satisfaction resemble ‘buddha’ then it is insistent that one must slay him, a phrase explained as an exhortation to smash all idols or to more directly reason it being the letting go of all objectification of ‘buddha’ as something outside oneself… this makes me ask what these figures or characters like a buddha or jesus or socrates represent to me and the real people i deal with through my time Here in limbo though highly aware that peculiar ways with a caustic cosmic momentum are stewing and cooking boiling and peeling away layer after layer whilst praying to fantasy creatures that may even reside inside our star, buried beneath solar flux so strong and radioactive pressuring rebirth through destruction that we are barely able to comprehend without fear and hazard compelling us forward toward prizes that satiates animal core urges to satisfy only the immediate self in whose cage of flesh all ancestors and time remain frozen in moments and cells like amber holding primal larvae never released but vibrating a signal through space into other dimensions we easily confuse as dementia, some of us more coward than not as we quest for a purpose among the living debris each leaving localized footnotes to ever-expanding grand sagas turned folk tales and legendary myths to guide us closer to who we are to become beyond purely human ignorance or innocence… leaving dead trails left to be recycled by the concrete points as aged watermarks later realized as the echoes from previous versions of ourselves in long gone civilizations that were formed to trade genetic stock as well as goods and services to be raped and pillaged by those thinking themselves privileged enough to represent gods among men, and creating the damage we are always left cleaning up when absolutes start making very little sense with enslaved ideals taking precedence over freedoms held honored and disciplined by the truly respectable forces in human form organizing complex systems in which cradles of doubt are eventually embraced as much mimic of urge to command the unknown demonstrated in afflicting others with cruelty and manipulation, ordered units pushing our society to submit to one variable of an ego until chosen ideals become more art of fact than artificial or superficial ephemera while the certainty of fear makes these polarizing opinions into laws… hateful rhetoric of fascist toxic totems set in place more vague agendas to complicate and subjugate the greater massive of humanity as it is and as it will ever be until death finally makes equals of us all, strange critical differences between timelines or also within species have been shaped by the triumvirate powers-that-be remaining unified beyond merely conscious animals able to assume all things are impermanent that nothing has an ego and nirvana is a state of quietness or inactivity, an absolute release from karmic rebirth…

thanks, khet_:/

Posted by :\_khet on September 15th, 2023 in backwash, blogging, critical concepts, dark thoughts, h for Hwyl..., Miscellaneous, my art & dreams, personal afflictions, rants & raves. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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