Tales From the Ripped Archives - All The Wrong Topics dot com

spontaneous… a story

Walter couldn’t speak lately, dumbstruck most of the time he was set about to interact with anyone else other than his mother, but she died recently without a single word that anything was troubling her. They had lived or existed together with such casually-intimate time around each that the other lost all pose of decency, and mother had always kept a very sanitized and prescriptive life of rules and regular tongue-lashings to her overweight son to accuse or subtly exaggerate neutrality into moments of that intolerable clarity only women seemed to share in Walter’s mind, to which she would be of no or only cold sternness instead any outward place of loving demeanor for her now adult child if to direct him to feel as inferior as possible especially compared to her presence. So Walter, living as …

Death… a story

The rider was there before, at once a memory and life in motion, but here riding through the desert American-styled in the morning hours prior to sunlight, the rider knew things about this one destination to Biblical, Arizona to a seminal ghost town never to be known. Angela was furious to the point of nearly tears before working at the hospital thirty to forty-five minutes into Scottsdale where her nursing skills led to more hassles anyway, so why and what was the point of getting so frustrated with to accuse Richard of getting high, but when to the extant the world is far larger than at once perceived that questions if it really matters where a junkie finds a dealer in a damn desert if it wasn’t Vegas or Reno….somehow within range of a Blackjack table? While …

to things untitled… a story

The mystery started with a bloodletting that was not too much planned for even though these kinds of strange events were routine in this side of the nightmare, the dream was now a solid reality by this time in the story, but the phantoms had lingered far before this chapter as if the story unfolds only when i say it will. The person in which whose blood was then being let out into the brass goblet custom-made by them, and for this exact purpose and in this exact velvet-lined of antechambers deep inside the labyrinth of halls and corridors, subtly separating the practical world from a dozen or so doors opening out to this series of rooms each more narrow than the last, and an utterly realized blueprint for a ritual bloodletting such as this. Only raw …

tragic panic magic… a story

Aka-ra was shaking with a gun in his hand more than a little afraid, but on more than one occasion he has been growing a spine for these events, though magic indeed was chaotic sometimes to the point of irony. Though tonight was going to be different rituals of passage for this initiate who was yet to achieve the first part in his indoctrination yet to be, because feats or “tricks” of this level and experience required more than one person as caused by differing difficulties as added variables to the effect, but also dependent upon the parameters set by the other two also which were necessary elements of brutality and suffering in this case something needed to be sacrificed. And at this point of the game a trash martyr was what became absolutely vital to complete …