‘…some bridge to the next moment Here, where the worst mingle with the best and neither of us knows the difference until it is far too late to understand fully or objectively as emotion builds parallel alternate constructs of similar potency enough to fuel the fires of anger and more shades of justifying revenge or the symbols of vengeance against each other again and again insane at times from the perceived absolutes creating and carrying out a lust for blood sometimes to the ends of reckless destruction without caring for whatever collateral damage occurs, poisonous people applying their malignant behaviors in trying various attempts to paralyze and afflict what full powers that can be summoned for any total domination served best distracted by our own talking points…’ – out of Context
‘…to have their terms apply to us means constraint not control even though this is a blatant and unforgiving lie meant in subduing any and all individuals to whom do not control themselves in a way seen as effective by the authority considered Here to have the oversight, that attitude rudely abrupt and apt to interrupt the proceedings by enforcing rules through psychic policing roles within the self imprinted with material washing our sensibilities with caustic soda holy waters bathing outlooks in fear and a dreadful expectation yet to be found dead in the streets gunned down by another unknown assailant keeping up with the new patterns…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…into a new stellar form beyond these dimensional limitations, words are used as a synthesis between hearty gravel of a physical world with that of a conscious mind where ideas are shaped and fomented into artifact once creation has begun to weave together constituent parts and particles into a new whole yet to be exploited by the human cadavers who resemble doctors and scientists still biased enough to resist a collective progress forward for the minutes they last to command power from nature and the cosmos unknown… servile versions of humanity thanks to an abuse of scientific methods early on in this societal history practicing many different ideologies before trying to be corrected by unifying works of more remarkably compassionate effort made facts…’
‘…all games in the death arcade, debts accumulating quickly whilst caught mass debating to point of debilitating rhyme and reason over the surge forward to condemn and conquer with localized attacks on character and misconceptions circulated around speaking within symbols allowed by some kind of murder mouth manipulating through words of doubt triggering opposition in the minds, this antagonism makes an electric renaissance to create things as tensions raise and writhe among society’s variety of opinion and seething criticism welded at the hip to tragically hop on any bandwagon as trojan horse myth to convert subterfuge used to pervert…’ – out of Context
‘…compromising the other is considered Here while the rabid versions of us as less-developed doppelgangers flood the systems to attempt a weakening from within instead of all the bodies thrown against the walls defending the fortress of the villains, each army a hive mind of discipline impressed from the top down on whom the enemy is and how disabling brute force can be when applied correctly to these makeshift vigilantes commanding legions of the unprepared into battles no one is ever ready for with metaphors and overlapping traits falling under the direct jurisdiction of civilian life where violent themes and context of easy danger is highly sought after as a rite of passage less obvious to the humanity who actually prefers being human…’ – out of Context
out of Context -‘…lessons inscribed in times of dread and loss and nonsense, whether to minds awaiting for stellar travels outside of the flesh or impacting our bodies to the degree that humans will not be our only final form as we carry the genetic burden throughout our lives without falter as the organic dreams of assimilating the artificial and superficial coldly clinically and calculated no matter the cost of casualty this is what nature requires of us as merely animal computers striving to accomplish some kind of achievement, hoping that failure will not deconstruct the person into option paralysis as our choice of exits exist to either free or condemn us while continuing to hope that we do not die off so easily…’
out of Context -‘…become lost in the madness of achievement as it builds up the concrete and expected absolutes upon our shoes when taking the metaphorical long walk off a short pier for real in life this time, though never as others were predicting to occur as the worst of the worst case scenario viewed in a televised vision as fact projected onto the backs of the heads of that row in front of us traveling backwards and trailing the furthest most from those leading us all perhaps off the cliff side if we never start questioning where we are, knowing the journey is half the battle well on our way to the interdependence of a hero’s journey for all of us if we can handle living through the consequences past obstacles in our path…’
‘…what can a creature such as this fortuitous narrator mutating through phases of phrasing without much consistency to bridge the gaps that convey this information to you from me what do you see when this voice chimes in with every word read, possibly a picture describing the indescribable of biblical proportions though no legend from which to guide yourself to these words maybe if you had met me we could know this for fact and not sabotage or camouflage the truth with misconception and mythic exaggeration laying a heavy hand on our heads as children and into our minds as adulterated products of a society the localized individual does not wholly speak for…’ – out of Context.
‘…the deals of random cause and effect affected adversely like Schrodinger’s cat by the observer, but alive or dead is never an end merely the separation or divorce perhaps from the infinite physical intoxicated states that can decay and displace what lies underneath the surface facade that slowly erodes away as features melt or fade… and yet on a whim of displayed conformity to the status quo to straddle the comfort zone the edged sword we must figure out a way to step from the sheltered insanity of a solely dependent feature, that provided for safety net made to question whether truly safe without a solidarity of the family unit may not mean stable no matter what horseplay goes down around a home if no guidance stays warding away ill winds that savor the negativity…’ – out of Context.
out of Context -‘…seeing what sticks to the default disposition of a natural conflagration burning inside of these vessels we have stowed away upon gliding this time machine of flesh through space, a trip from birth to death that inevitably has us thinking about our own source to joy to seek heaven in pursuit after we see the alternative reality that alters the natives by their own thoughts at hand, trying to burn away what is deemed by a flawed authority as irrational yet it still breeds inherent animal traits one cannot merely scrap or gouge away as false fates first prime the engine that will analyze these statements… bereft by rift-causing benefit, a gift to be dropped in the wilderness without any guide or compass to navigate the haunting terrain of a soul let alone that physical environment…’