…idle, the Idols blindly…

…cannot say much to appease the gods in this state of life, there is no sacrifice that will supersede beyond control of the strings as puppet masters make us dance macabre with simple tugs we are doing as we are told, with small gestures as we complete our daily tasks in life… the fear drifts from one to another without haste as the humans continue to circulate, spreading ideas that maybe will lead to the next zeitgeist reshaping society in the setting we think we know Here by now even though our relentless curiosity drives civilization closer to the cliff edge that drops further in the void than we expect because we allowed ourselves a certainty with safety nets and support networks, while other examples show what were to happen if the person goes over that metaphorical edge despite themselves and the unique quest to obtain and then maintain stability only to have some detrimental shift triggering a change that will fundamentally shake up whatever it is we consider the existence we find ourselves working within… concerning the furies that drain the motivation from a person we cannot know intimately enough without the guilt of missing pieces undermining efforts made to make things better for ourselves and others to whom we may never meet in real life, but who seem to have access to energies that we alone are incapable without the aid of those others being different than who we believe we are to ourselves trapped in the survival game while taking note of the practices that we can manage for our own health and sanity, young ones never knowing to start where directed as the units gather to hear their orders given from the ones whom they worship put upon high pedestals awaiting for a call to arms worth dying for… something to inspire us is where we begin to see that there are points of reference and reverence in the stars whose illumination stares at us connected from distant sockets in darkness set adrift to appease whatever vicious gods or subtle monsters we discover deeper inside of ourselves, this is the sanctuary they dwell within linking the outer darkness to the inner darkness that appears much as the microscopic orientations of a soul perhaps cased in flesh and awaiting to be finally unleashed from the greater cosmic tether that holds our human hive mind filled with variables that consistently counterweights the system toward destructive tendencies as well as those that ignite a creative fire within our collective imagination separate yet together, so rip torn between extreme dichotomies that we would rather make the decision to distract ourselves endlessly through looping exaggerations heightening the sensitivity with which we approach things we have no knowledge of whether we appreciate the state of those distinct omissions or not to arrange what details we do catch into things that will hopefully make sense instead of the dodgy aspects of frustration we get used to being held accountable and guilty for no reason other than we exist Here… feeling thrown into a blender because attitude and feelings represent differing factions of a greater psyche trying not to be wounded beyond repair, asylum was seeking us to create community from the collective of spirits though we decided we were far superior to the imagined sights we lay our third eyes upon while attempting to curtail the coagulates from the spilled blood turned into the creatures we have become, and yet we cannot merely awake from the electric torpor in rapid eye movement that siphons so much human interest away to a banality that remains…

thanks, khet_:/

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