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…a Topical solution…

out of Context – ‘…the concrete circus we are built up from to participate in a psycho pomp and circumstance series of issues, we can try to re-calibrate the pain inflicted to make something constructive as opposed to destructive forces at work, flimsy excuses to show us how flawed the whole tribe is when looking at humanity for some saving grace within what we create as more than solely a process that delivers us to our products made readily available to the customs of consuming for which we all partake… that which only pays lip service to fact motivates the environment to find truth while dealing with actual effects of the thing…’

…a Nico-tainted screed…

‘…some bridge to the next moment Here, where the worst mingle with the best and neither of us knows the difference until it is far too late to understand fully or objectively as emotion builds parallel alternate constructs of similar potency enough to fuel the fires of anger and more shades of justifying revenge or the symbols of vengeance against each other again and again insane at times from the perceived absolutes creating and carrying out a lust for blood sometimes to the ends of reckless destruction without caring for whatever collateral damage occurs, poisonous people applying their malignant behaviors in trying various attempts to paralyze and afflict what full powers that can be summoned for any total domination served best distracted by our own talking points…’ – out of Context

…an Impolite poetry…

out of Context -‘…no dire obstacle in forward motions, asserting one’s own path has to be at most a difficult cycle to know of all things as complete finding any power from within one’s self to move in the desired direction, but tending to lose momentum in doubt running counterpoint to beatific confidence gone the route of domestication in order to survive the cruelty mechanism absorbing the spawn of days past to create more viable biomass with which to continue a looping circadian rhythm that taps into nature’s resources… though what truly are the resources of consciousness that we might be more creative instead of critical to such a nullifying degree these voids look out through our eyes to see and further inform their series of processes to control…’

…the Brooding thoughts…

‘…to have their terms apply to us means constraint not control even though this is a blatant and unforgiving lie meant in subduing any and all individuals to whom do not control themselves in a way seen as effective by the authority considered Here to have the oversight, that attitude rudely abrupt and apt to interrupt the proceedings by enforcing rules through psychic policing roles within the self imprinted with material washing our sensibilities with caustic soda holy waters bathing outlooks in fear and a dreadful expectation yet to be found dead in the streets gunned down by another unknown assailant keeping up with the new patterns…’ – out of Context

…renaissance of resistance, Renaissistance…

‘…all games in the death arcade, debts accumulating quickly whilst caught mass debating to point of debilitating rhyme and reason over the surge forward to condemn and conquer with localized attacks on character and misconceptions circulated around speaking within symbols allowed by some kind of murder mouth manipulating through words of doubt triggering opposition in the minds, this antagonism makes an electric renaissance to create things as tensions raise and writhe among society’s variety of opinion and seething criticism welded at the hip to tragically hop on any bandwagon as trojan horse myth to convert subterfuge used to pervert…’ – out of Context

…a relax of Macaques don’t do it…

out of Context -‘…continuing to distort any ‘truth’ into a critical “reality” impaired by consensus very rarely any sensual journey to be consensual or wished by many floating up against the shit held in the other hand like sands tightly gripped, and these thoughts are merely some mind out of mind as substance enough to queasily repulse those sensitive of stomachs trying to change emotional lead into social gold before the veins run dry of its quarry while a canary lowered too deep to escape freely becomes acclimated into a dark empty where others are too cowardly to tread whether climbing crawling or in casting out creatures to exile…’

…the sun, a glory Hole, for the demiurge…

out of Context -‘…peeling away layer after layer whilst praying to fantasy creatures that may even reside inside our star, buried beneath solar flux so strong and radioactive pressuring rebirth through destruction that we are barely able to comprehend without fear and hazard compelling us forward toward prizes that satiates animal core urges to satisfy only the immediate self in whose cage of flesh all ancestors and time remain frozen in moments and cells like amber holding primal larvae never released but vibrating a signal through space into other dimensions we easily confuse as dementia, some of us more coward than not as we quest for a purpose among the living debris each leaving localized footnotes to ever-expanding grand sagas…’

…systematic corpse Grinder…

‘…something passing for freedom into the hierarchy sacred above many other variable rungs of fortune torture and disaster consequence while innocently challenging fears by trying to discover courage through the mighty pen as priceless power totem that is capable of shattering constrictive form, modeled upon a classical line of tradition while a crude manifest destiny crammed with incidental drama crossed and conflicted intentions especially when coming to conclusions presented as though facts that seem to bias information toward one slide or another into inevitable arguments that ensue once heated debate can churn the most neutral topics into frothing dark waters…’- out of Context

…a Stigmata of sweat…

‘…so often disappointed for as much as we wish support to be there it never seems to arrive when we want it during the most overwhelming of situations… passed the presence that gives us something to look forward to when staring into the darker world that tries to judge and forsake us by our own admission to prove that sharpened point to skewer the sorts who are determined not to get stuck or struck behind the gaseous legions that compartmentalize this dread through manipulating fear concepts that trigger the inner struggle slowing down functional awareness while escalating the overwhelming frustration, still born to toil through laborious retreat into something rather than nothing…’ -out of Context.

…poop And flowers…

out of Context -‘…while weaving through the human traffic that threatens to subsume or doom to damned room by room as emotion can strand those who cannot navigate to sink in those quick sands corrosion leaking out of the glass tower fragile so fast while shadows cast their glory stamps upon everything they touch or break “nothing lasts” kisses to these ears sounding shattered into planes of pane to further yet fragment still lives to shards fading vapors gas-lit memories past though not forgotten ever when some surprise remnant lingers long enough sat there fearing that every pain is a trigger that we must probe with blood-stained stool fingers coaxing deeper to figure out what dark unknown we’ve become curiously obsessed to death, as dancers…’