The more fucked-up you are…

it may seem deranged to uphold the bizarre truths no one expects from a human these days, it seems as though all our more prominent minds are detached from the sanctity of life Here on this plane of existence, and there are numerous dark forces out there waiting for extermination to come… however, there are not enough haters to overturn the real empowered force of loving compassion from overtaking the populace once again, as it has occurred all throughout the actions of others in the past, and the destination we move towards manifests without acknowledging a series of alternate pasts out there… each leading to another person and yet still more as the force of positive change drives closer to an edge, where the selfish ego bastards swing their fists devoid of humane values or worth, and soon even tea parties will not save the supposed best at their game… the resolution between the creative and the ignorant will come with the elimination of conflict, maybe, but with the removal of any class struggle for sure… lacking any real thing to subdue the pain other than an advancement beyond this murky assemblage of parts we find ourselves within, an acceptance of our basest desires through acceptance of ourselves as we are is needed, and the way to utilize a dark frame of perspective for some good use as well… to quote heavily from the Wikipedia resource; “a person is always either master or slave, and there are no real humans where there are no masters and slaves… history comes to an end when the difference between master and slave ends, when the master ceases to be master because there are no more slaves, and the slave ceases to be a slave because there are no more masters… synthesis takes place between master and slave as the integral citizen of the universal and homogeneous state created by Napoleon”… why, Napoleon?… was he particularly special, or in fact at all the savior in French undergarments, perhaps the most revolutionary emperor since jelly and toast in a mad world gone horribly wrong?… where frogs can be eaten on a regular basis if that is your taste, good sir, but let bad taste guide you on your way if you reject the normal cry of life… we are built from the bondage up, and without a real sense of self to give purpose and effervescence, at least at first when there are too many things to manage all at once… the random thoughts training off as the quantitative reality brings forth the unknown from vast slates of grey, a continuum beyond the material face, and which has access through eyes into our ideas and perceived intensities… whether swinging from the same pendulous burden, or feeling the passion of another through a subtly projected vision, perhaps this holographic will display is an emotional force that can subvert the control of any others’ choices through intimidating rays… the light burns the mind again, and though we throttle the idea of a dark side to death, there is no turning back down off the path… there are many who want control even though they cannot complain for all that they have which is real, candle quickly becomes a lit stick of dynamite, and the fusion of so many influences explodes once and for all…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on February 27th, 2011 in blogging, dark thoughts, rants & raves, world at large, y for Ylem.... You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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