…iteration Wrecks…

…detect a slow wit to carry us further out from amidst the process progressing us to terms we never agreed with though too late to abort the mission now that there are so many missionaries acting as scary mercenaries circulating disguised among us as aliens of our own kind hybridized the formal ways through fictional events epitomized in imaginative human works boldly exploring that truly final frontier of the mind both generalized and local to our own random psyches powerful enough to unlock certain doors and windows that may open up to us and guide us forward with subtle information, obscene sadists overseeing the saddest factory floors for satisfaction overfull ripe with the blood and gore that comes with slaughter now so constant and continual in the communal mind associated with feasting and famine trading off in various parts of the world going against anything real authentic or humane enough to earn compassion for these terms of service doing nobody good except the worst reiterations of ourselves spitting obscenity back at what created us without regard for what they were bringing into this heathen earth with all of the blasphememes who act as catalyst or play counterpoint to contradict mandatorily, contracted to obligate and be obliged by others believing the same such creeds instead of faith in their own civilized species Here consistently seeking approval sometimes in spite of rejection from exclusive groups who choose you not to be a member with the law of exception being if those attitudes and opinions change for the more positive utilizing constructive criticism in order to make their approach appear more compassionate or at least more palatable to random opinionated interlopers who forsake negativity by default because the pattern imprinted dictates the substantial investment to be had once one realizes what is sacrificed… mob mentality mocks actual thought and communication that doesn’t fit or hit some animalistic core of the corporeal forms carrying these attitudes wherever willing to go as aspects of self encountered when least expecting of something other upon the ephemeral periphery correlating perhaps to a sunset on the horizon cheapened cliches as beautiful art over the ages we have lived and keep living surging ahead through heavy meditations contemplating this machine and how it moves vacillating a stark contrast between efficiency and sheer mayhem causing mutations of variables to extend Here in intimate immediacy of moments as they inevitably pass, through us plunging the depths where we never crept until beckoned by the spirit that shades the indefinable labelled as a soul leading us to understand less through blind acceptance than a thorough embrace of all things we cannot control as they trade shapes in the ways that encase and suspend our disbelief so that we may listen fully to the nuance of stories short of public mourning forgotten social issues conditional allowance for travels stereotypical toward happiest pursuits that may not link with the woven chains of generations bonding themselves with others in perpetuation of biological systems terrorizing us, locally and at large through those gizmos and gadgets we have devised to make life better leaping through hoops and loops we have circled rapidly cycling from phase to face and back again to primal states that defy and define statistics used against us infestation and policing of hive mind infiltrated by a mindset think tanks obliviating that shred of free will left to humanity while waiting Here to die or otherwise reveal what comes next into view for the far flung future about to bloom but somewhere still buried beneath soiled hearts darker than we can fathom even now…

thanks, khet_:/

Posted by :\_khet on February 26th, 2024 in backwash, blogging, critical concepts, Miscellaneous, my art & dreams, personal afflictions, practical theory, rants & raves, w for Wasm..., world at large. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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