wow, 10 years?

Just wanted to say how cool it is that you’ve gotten / made so much out of this site. After setting up sites for multiple friends and them not doing much if anything with them, I guess way back in 2006 I didn’t expect you would necessarily find it useful. But wow, you took it and ran with it. You utilized it much the way I had envisioned you might, and THEN SOME –a lot, actually. It’s always a good feeling when a site I install makes someone’s life better or more interesting. Even more when it’s my bestest most devoted friend. And 10 years of solid creative expression is no small feat!

OK, so I think a nod to those last 10 years is appropriate. Remember where we were that day I suggested making the site, and you said OK let’s do it?  I remember us both sitting in that tiny lime green room upstairs from Bisquatch. I remember we still had hopes for that arrangement then; we’re happy to be together and moved from Hamilton to Houston. Then, OH MY! The things we’ve seen…THE THINGS WE’VE SEEN.

Gaining our freedom from that bad situation, finding abandoned kitties and naming them Ogre, you meting my all my shitty Houston friends I didn’t know were shitty yet, dealing with and triumphing over stalker shenanigans and the relationship stresses that caused. holy shit. i remember clearly the day we almost split up due to that and walking down holcombe and sitting and talking, and moving into the roach motel, and visits that were always too short with Tristan, and your sacrificing your beautiful long hair to help me in the custody court BS, and moving out of the roach motel, your 31st (was it 31st?) birthday at the funeral museum, the skinny puppy concerts, . . . I could go on, and I know these are somewhat biased toward what I was going through, but that’s some of what I think of when I think of all those times with you. And how at any point I could check out your site and see traces if not more direct mention of those experiences in your writing. Sometimes eerily accurate for the hidden unmentioned layers you would pick up on and write about.

Wow, we’ve sure done lots of stuff together, haven’t we? It’s weird when I think this is the longest I’ve gone without seeing you in person since…2006 actually…too

Anyway, I’m happy you told me about the 10 year mark! Me and Ogree are celebrating with you. Poor a bit of champagne for us. Love you oodles and more oodles

Posted by nirec on June 15th, 2016 in memorials. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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