
…unholy orgasm released through damage done to others as though murder were necessary to reach catharsis in this world yet the dead bodies as commodities tell us otherwise Here amidst wartime folly gagging on blood with levels of naivete thinking we know so much about why there are these extreme bouts of violence ever-present on the surface deteriorating bonds between humans lost in conundrum of trust and values gone askew in contradictory messages appealing only to confusion among the people presently bewildered by all that is occurring with frightening frequency distract clear sights anyone has about situations as they happen, moral outrage triggered plucking insensitive strings of theory loose from the series of systems in place to distort information fraying the ends of sanity collecting together as factions created out of frustration that could possibly be called ‘stopband’ because their frequencies do not allow signals to pass steadfastly driving forward unaware of being prevented from going any further except for circuits exclusive along those bandwidths wavelengths and pathways of which we have most familiarity threaded within a cosmic digital tapestry such as this recreating what was previously thought or taught always in motion to define what remains leaving more questions, Here are few answers universal in their application though people will try coveting ideas by any means necessary to them to siphon what actually an idea can evolve into actively acting on various points and principles to reference and experience a larger picture than what may have first appeared barring logic from the sensations until such a time that analysis is detrimental to the magic but instrumental in discovering the layers that science can readily inhabit taking original sources to splice ends by twisting them woven tightly fashioning as ties that bind their stories together no matter how disparate separately… why do we choose violence when it leaves so many casualties casually left strewn in gutters and fields to die broken and defeated even if their side came out the victor in battles so brutal the body counts increase as warfare gets drawn out longer condoned by the statements of leaders chosen to protect interests that may not be our own to use as leverage in not being omitted from victory in seeing forests for their trees diseased and serving on through extensive indoctrination and unquestioned action in regards to solely protecting our own casual interests while remaining active defenses, hearing impatience in the tones of servile units who choose weak complaints instead done with making their embittered lives better one difficult step at a time laboring through extreme conditions sometimes too often at service to a world that dismisses us too easily to be relevant even though we usually endure unusual strangeness strangled by how little we knew being initially informed of nothing but confident hubris cutting beyond emotional debris now cluttered at your feet while swinging the double-edged s-word deftly until there is only nothing left to fight which is most often given sanctuary within our own minds, doubting ourselves when stepping out of line with the rest of this mess as open sore or manipulated pies fingered by ulterior hands puppet strings still attached and trailing an ominous curse because they know not what evil truly makes them do Here when there is nothing else to lose conflicted by conscience too corrupted to choose an honest option whose opinion turns to initiate the fiercest combatant first proving not to be fucked around with or finding out might be worse than what was expected even if martyred for defending one’s bullshit honor code being called ridiculous and selfish…

thanks, khet_:/

Posted by :\_khet on April 16th, 2024 in backwash, blogging, critical concepts, dark thoughts, Miscellaneous, personal afflictions, practical theory, rants & raves, subdued wisdom, w for Wasm.... You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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