the Rule of Thumb

what is the point of patience when it is usually patience as wasted a dead ingenuity driving us madly from a perspective lone of view narrowed down the corridor set to fathom the depths of this human machine, whether out of body or embedded deep within enough to forget who helms these dual controls of will and power as humans we have kept secretive to remain as unspoken into the modern day as possible as maybe a time capsule would stay untouched for decades, and this is how humans exist in a sleepy dream-like state where nothing will ever be as it seems because of this humanity as like a wildfire burning away whatever hapless object fell in the path last that cannot be recovered from only expanded upon… the artful contraction of subtle contradictions made to state as fact the obvious to the oblivious ones blinded by a holy Son used to produce results among a flocked mob mentality leaking out, seen seeking and raving and drooling over salvation in sought after acceptance outside the entangled Self each of us sits within monitoring and witnessing the experiment as experience creates the experts out of the ignorant necessity, but what’s left for us in the end when there is nothing to say as thoughts plague our visions with bitter idea swallowed pill supposed a better of all options considered Here where casual cruelty reigns free from the err as clusters of people banish each other in sarcastic curses from seeing truths… an inkling of things to come as those whose abuse runs deep under sleeping skins as cells collected collection of skills and talents to impart to the willing recipient of these gifts manifested like mission statements declaring the objective in hundreds of differing ways, the yea-sayers are always going to be at odds with the nay-sayers caught in elusive extremities of the same version of truth always curious who is coming with me as to get loose of these proclaimed trivialities turned excuse, and the mental patients run the asylum as roost for their nonsense rules slowly adverse to these captives though hopefully not to return a passive madness to flow back in upon our cultures again to reap the justified deserts as sewn into the hem of this flag-waving obscurity commanding jerks to line us up…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on May 3rd, 2014 in blogging, dark thoughts, r for Rheme..., rants & raves, t for Tocsin..., world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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