…the Shituation…

…stuck a feather in your leather macaroni gimp mask impeding progress with zippers closed no way to figure out the fragile darkness when blindfolded of your own free will in order to experience a substantial novelty similar to though no one wields a direct idea in which to spin this insult into the best results possible by being impossible to work with because of a no compromise attitude as it juts out like tongue from mouth a raspberry of overconfident swagger perhaps the lamest gold in the bin wasted by a bittersweet indulgence in the human product pissed and moaned over until broke by a system engaged with its citizenry, while the scenery couldn’t be further from care under exploitative interests intending to keep towing the line even when this direction has no clear point of conclusion though this motion cannot be gauged while in transit just as the observer is unaffected by the same formal formula used to express a cognizant dissonance carrying on through ripples that emanate like halos over heroes triggering alternate effects throughout the terrain we are Here to witness, surging through our complicated assertion of how things work the way they do and we cannot fully account for all the variables vibrating the outside of our meticulous almost paranoid range of awareness that permeates all levels of energy Here doesn’t matter how far this wave has to go to function correctly if not as expected when complex issues arise all the time while seeming to be from out of nowhere when we are not able to track all the details in a given situation… the themes of this ride through magical realism has been vexing and a bit frightening because so many versions of subjective truth project onto objects all those both real and extracted from the abstract arts tapping into worlds outside of our own localized account of what this is exactly as the puzzle’s pieces push us toward an independent solvency as optimal solution to existing this blind to optional choices not forced for having us adapt to a world without masters or mentors to lead the chain of events forward enough to bring a positive progress solely out amongst all the plebeians forcing the vital sight affliction through acts of conscripted awareness by reference, a bureaucracy made up entirely of referrals passed back and forth as though some bizarre type of their tennis or golf game analogy placed Here for those that play to objectify their range of motion and effectiveness distracting the rest of us the phases of resurgent issue as mind-at-large forcing gods’ vomit throughout with the current landlords being taken up who wish us to worship them like gods instead of using the warships to take them out of the larger present picture in order to dispose of any offensive act that might take place while Here adrift waiting for the gift of insight into the compromising circumstances we have been granted the chance to solve serious questions unusually without answers that work as a lone step independent plateau from which to spring, attempting to search out fortune however it may strike especially while trying to bend the curve to one’s advantage in subtle ways than those overtly critical and easily subverted plans that readily display their parameters of defeat by default without the due diligence it requires to truly divide and conquer while no one concurs a safe path toward this goal as killing another and you’re a murderer… kill many and supposedly a conqueror… kill them all and one will rule a shit world as negative god…

thanks, khet_:/

Posted by :\_khet on November 3rd, 2023 in backwash, blogging, critical concepts, dark thoughts, Miscellaneous, my art & dreams, personal afflictions, practical theory, rants & raves, s for Semon.... You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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