…mercury poisoning in Retrograde…

…stolid complication slowly functional humans causing crisis to assist in re-making the future of possibilities laid at our doorstep as alien puzzle treacherously-training the minds of the masses as they accumulate Here to satisfy their needs necessary for cohabitation as much rehabilitation from traits of a darker taint that might achieve getting us to do terrible things throughout our own lives to terrorize the disguise as shield we have established for ourselves over time and experience contributing to the overall effect of protection though also slowly corrupts the user with being intent on mastery over others toward violent points, reasoning that everyone is the enemy somewhere somehow in the everyday stirring the cauldron of madness that nomads do not experience being free to an extent that no one will ever know who does not live in such similar lifestyles Here even though there is always the chance if one feels compelled to seek out what ye shall find of this autumn banality that spreads over every segment seen and unseen save for the things outside of that immediate scale and scope staying fatal charisma enough to kill us if we cannot keep up with the changes of this continuum, going critical vacuum as terminal nature of the cosmos guiding the elimination of all futures sucking clean waters into brackish cesspools that linger long after we’re dead there will still be stains left to read like braille because of the tactile debris that remains through the wastes perhaps to become other lifeforms themselves as consciousness requires a new host series to fulfill its goals on the material plane of existence playing humans against each other as cannon fodder between fathers and mothers to separate or stay together and raise a creature or multiples of the symptom of the universe currently unstable… Here one of many tall tales that somehow come discovered by participants in this coveted sermon revival of bon vivants to the party passing that collection plate tactfully shifting tectonic personal reason and rhyme into social exclusive you had to be there for some level of we all fall down insightful to the larger view of this brutal tool that hits us reminding how everything no exclusion is temporary Here whether we like that or not ourselves any of those pertinent details relating the situation toward reciprocal gestures of humors mentioned of in poisonous solutions to problems coinciding with alchemy, whose sciences refused to upgrade but instead advanced into a variety of fields from which many accomplished explorers doing great things by discovery as much as years of researching specifics and how they connect to each other tying together and creating novel sources of interest combining peculiar ideas and a practical experimentation utilized to define the various phases scrutinized while annotated to explain their meanings succinctly enough to activate inspiration in others as a spark inflames the fires further wanting only to continue to burn through to the end where the end could signify an absorption of information receiving advantage, perhaps taking power Here when one wants to commit actions to ideas solidifying them into artifact so as to last longer than their creator long since gone but still Here a seamless part of the greater whole seeking only glory when souls give way to ego existing yet never fulfilled by anything that doesn’t have the potential of being lost or destroyed somehow by window of error or accident the anxiety continues to evolve while involving us in its schemes vibes of dreams being stolen and broken by nervous triggers causing subconscious accumulation of anticipated bad things to happen easily…

thanks, khet_:/

Posted by :\_khet on January 23rd, 2024 in backwash, blogging, critical concepts, dark thoughts, Miscellaneous, personal afflictions, practical theory, r for Rheme..., rants & raves, world at large. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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