Quarrelsome Children, Sick and Slow

we are so much such irresponsible creatures that it makes me try questioning many times whether humanity has spawned itself into a dead-hearted state where cruelty and trained behavior is the only average to measure anything by, the children that cannot sleep or sleep too soundly when too much pain and suffering goes on like some delirious engine grind in the shape of an ouroboros that moves constantly spinning and devouring itself feeding upon the writhing forces projecting fear and guilt and shame to reinforce illusory bonds that break the human soul into conforming in piece with meat, and i have some heavy butcher’s shop blues over what it is we get caught up in while Here because too often we default to a setting which has no respect for other people or kindnesses as we use what we need to get what we want even if that scenario means cutting off emotional fingers and toes from everyone around us… there are those whom sacrifice their entire beings to experience this human conundrum in progress while there are still those that use and try abusing all the people in this system in order to achieve raw ecstatic heights sometimes actively seeking dishonor, but this is a life fraught with peril and tempting opportunities alike caught in the same breath as the trash and debris we allow to despoil our streets into traps of the flesh and weakness so that subconsciously we are culling a human herd in sick games of insane population control as natural humanity growing unrestrained, chained only by the sick and mentally-retarded actions until something wicked goes ‘pop’ inside of the right heads to shatter the interpersonal tensions that inflict themselves upon us like an unconscious series of thought police we allow to patrol around in our ever-fluctuating sense of the real… i see it everyday at the day-to-day work i do just to survive in this world fascinated to the death with the entertaining hive mentality as grown-up children with so many harsh responsibilities paid insufficient funds to meet the needs mocking like school-age children as though it were all such an adult place outside of the workplace, but it becomes a time to loosen these high standards once within the confining anything that might resemble professional boundaries to which jobs have always projected onto me at some level to a thoughtful state of mindfulness in both action and intent which others i work with seem to disregard once they punch that time card to start the work day off, this irritates me to no end even though i observe my own two sense sucked into the childish abyss justifying this mainstay in the knee-jerking reactionary mechanical movement of an insult-based culture structured in such a way that should have died off ideologically thousands of years ago… we are insane because the baggage has become universal by now where it isn’t a matter of shedding the feces of the age as much as now growing to live with our decisions no matter how fucked-up because this is maturity as we know it, youth is charged with the saving of a future that so many others have left to rot slowly and to become futile pursuit as extremes of deprivation and depravity suckling the actual humanity and compassion out of many of its denizens in the personal pursuit of being ‘right’ as that one lurking ephemeral idea that we cannot ever have a permanence of certainty anywhere… it is all fake, my friends and foes alike, as we each need to pursue what matters most to each of us in our own ways even if a consequence of that is becoming trapped inside of a looping making our needs and desires as complicated as possible to achieve in the short spans of life that we are told to enjoy while some stationed in emotional spaces to test whether we stand our ground or give up hope for something better… there are too few of those who give of themselves so thoroughly with the love and respect that a people united would deserve as those energies seem wasted by comparison to the throes of selfish toddler domination we have never grown out of at all, always someone has to be in charge of this mess while trying keep our right to slink back into the darkness of the psyche to drift and criticize what controls we gave up if any can game over, but part of the macrocosm we have to live within is greatly affected by how we perceive each other if all we gain is a momentary satisfaction that totally undermines our primal urge to establish a caring and just system as we somehow allow the trivial to fill our minds instead of the situations necessary as would give us abilities coveted to surpass a survival game bullshit that so intrigues and enamors us into place somehow utterly fearful of the possible damage it could make us feel… we should all grow up!…

Thanks, khet.

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