The grime noire…

filthy filters eliminating the assimilated data we have accrued through all these long centuries toward finality of fatalism talked about but never listened to exactly without the bias of personal opinion waxing the bummer over this situation as transmitted through whoever i am becomes clearer than a mirror some days more than others obviously in an existence with diminishing returns acknowledged as another bargaining chip as tool to be placed upon the table if some last resort whose threshold has been breached by surging doubts tied to those actions likened to an archfiendish-like negation of progress as any human will seem to appear predisposed toward all need to last on longer as lingering qualities traced from set genealogical standpoints wondering where these people do exactly stem from keeps the question going, sequestered from the hopefulness form that humans carry around with their conceptions of happiness intrusive and intrinsic to this natural condition so we are told early on captured in the static traffic of time stated as a stasis for all things Here and those long gone at least as far as the record books are concerned to chronicle to restore historical fine lines that few remember as though they were there seen accurately the portrait of an instant attaining prolific status within the system as one of the many aspects of existing taken for granted pieces of dreamy puzzles that require us to try working together mining these pieces into a sort of patchwork peace to instill better and acute means of devising a disciplined focus mated with the practical production of artifacts put to fit in their proper places to reinforce a particular meaning attached to significance met by humanity’s part of the conundrum beaten to absurd levels of noise for heroes and music for zeroes the binary myth exposed briefly by someone chosen by fate for these as under the title of “compassionate objectivity” perhaps, but allowing us to become more human rather than alien or animal solely commanded by the whim for futures yet to be occurring though resonating somewhere in the atmosphere maybe as counterpoint to an “unconditional love” from gravity gripping on tight enough to kill by crushing our hearts in our orchestratic symphonic pathways we want elevated to enlightenment however caught up in the concrete musique made Here separately with semi-automatic authorities in the form of a general law keeping the pressure of tension on while this life goes on moving forward with or without us there though not always so thoughtfully responsible as far as these human creatures go keeping score… as tragic panic in magic gathered Here to act suitably mutable when a malleable essence is necessary without saying ‘sorry’ for the actions one has taken upon themselves to feel responsible for those repercussions made as resonates through hidden heart strings precariously hanging on by the varying theories on emotional sanity and certainty as to those effects upon a life lived in the middle of living yet to end and thusly complete its cycle of a circular lifetime for any single person already in use as a ruling guide to measure humanity against harsh consequences bringing about cause and effect as established fact to be learned or earned by made mistake assessed as lesson, and not the dead end of failure used to blockade people from their destinies deemed worthy by forces allowing us to be where we are so that we utilize our freedom of choice for more than merely selfish tricks pulled out of the hat shooting from the hip to fake it until a successfully remaking of ourselves into who we were envisioning as who we would be by Now through whims wonder and fantasy that affect the presence as the aura or think of it as the palpable emotional self as stays a frame or two out of sync with our version in the present of Now the only thing that is real whether a casually weird or caustically surreal experience doesn’t negate the personal proof witnessed by the specific you, the sense that seems lost as the dust fills our lungs which becomes mucus once the moisture of our forms tries to assimilate the primordial state we resort to once the void is put to our aspect of perception thought to be the ‘we’ generally considered the individual uniquity integral to all of us as people antiquated yet up-to-date for our times placed as one domino in line trailed by more unseen actors and events waiting to break through mere speculations as may lead to other possible negative result opposing of the activities kinetic though not the thoughtful discretion capable for creatures with such an idealization of intellect even though i believe that so-called smart people do not exist as dualities of any stripe are false realities whose foundational concept becomes concrete consideration a truth among those knowing professions…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on September 24th, 2017 in blogging, dark thoughts, my art & dreams, subdued wisdom, t for Tocsin.... You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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