lost words.

tHere are strangenesses about in this lair…small surprises along the way to greater things…no focus will well lead someone across the blades with a disappointed air…the scraps of personal power that we give to other beings is astonishing to say the least…what obnoxious freaks are we to think we are the masters here?…the surgeon will cut with a certain precision to the incision, they have all done this before somewhere…the world is not our whore to play with so easily…what benefits the estranged soul who darts in and out of the centuries looking for bliss, is it possible to understand wholly from within?…it feels like a real shambles, but will always change without reason to the hard second…turnabout is fair play, or so they say…eye don’t believe in a way out…it is all obnoxious puppetry in the extreme…we are not all so blessed with a perfect vision…we can see, but the what we interpret can always change at a moment’s notice…a pace to race to set the limit of distaste…what creature feature do you want to see?…the smell is rich with the virulent, and the pest as it strains through the doorway…lurking on the other side is everywHere…not everyone sees the blades for what they are…animals wheel about upon their nervous legs…restless to the point of exhaustion…a blast, a break in the signal…famous rites and rituals to an unseeing god mass…the elder gods lay unimpressed…another microcosm spores away inside the mind of that same mass of flesh and bone…the species crawl along the surface, from dark side to dark side…catching the sun in glimpses…from the crater that lies deep in the mountainside comes a crashing, condemning noise…the sliding sound looms and rumbles across the scenery, and the darkness of this act scares the dregs from their scavenged meals…humbling the virus with the destruction of the very foundation that had come to rot over the centuries…bombing the silent mind in its cradle of bone and juice, thoughts appear from nowHere…the depths of this pit contrast heavily with the remains of the last reasons to make things right…we leaped over that chasm ages ago, but we still reel from the sheer weight of the knowledge…conquering each step towards universal progress like street cleaners…armed with potent sciences and arts to deflect the light held high in other religions…the fakers freak out from the nothing they become, and follow the extinction proceedings that every creature seems bound by…dancing across the fine, sharp edge to which we have all seemed to grow used to…critical thinking is quite necessary to breed out the wrong traits in the human animal, but what asshole crackpot had faith in that?…enough to make it a real sight to see?…the defiant need to wipe away other uniquenesses to replace them with your own creations…we aim to please and play god in equal strokes…we all betray our own kind…’adaptation is futile,’ cries the nihilist…cop shoots the little pest with his pistol…laws born to betray ourselves without even thinking about it…no need to think when it all looks so banal…cretins walk the streets with nothing on their minds…the cross section made when the vivisection, tearing apart culture and soul, took place…making the religious and the mad impotent but powerful fools to worship…serpents crawling off their fingertips onto shameless possessions…bought or sold…

Posted by '$' on October 17th, 2007 in $atan's $cratches, l for Logogriph.... You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

One Response to “lost words.”

  1. deacon khet says:

    Funny. I don’t remember you.

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