
…done nothing but cursed the meat you produced what excuse can there be if one rejects the concept of abortion and that of a proposed life-yet-to-be assumed to live better if there is intervening to be done Here corrupt by a lack of information and lived experience in order to define such things as absolutes when no one person has all the answers but damned if they won’t try to propose some bloated overblown policy which exhausts the lives of those even having a chance to survive as all continue to suffer by leaps and bounds through the star-bound controverse that exists in this abyss deeper than we care to admit to ourselves or others that this is the way, no knighted armor-bearer when we are all merely stewards searching for a reason to want to survive through determined havoc that mayhem grinds in its teeth attempting to obtain souls through mastication most brutal when no one looks directly into the mouth of madness fearing the worst ground up in the gears of this type of anarchy much like any other time before this though a shifting of weight and details as the variables take on a newer disguise that obstructs naked eyes who think they might know better than any of the others as restless in lurking around corners to get a peek into what reality entails Here, games of action to propel us forward through the inherent doubt that enlists volunteers to steady a salvo that obliterates free thought or thinking for oneself somehow seen as a weakness when opinions remain uninformed of options gathered to make sense of situations unheard of as more novel forms of external stigma each generation accumulates as they move forward through the deep darkness of nature and back again to hurry the overall instigation to get somewhere… even as these things that oppose each other gain momentum in which to pull or push the civilized massive as though yoked oxen hefting the terrible weight of this society alone whose burden is deemed worthy by those not done with making others the bio-mechanical engine that feeds the energies needed to accomplish unforgiving tasks to which there are few who see honor in this kind of dedication taken to natural extremes between what we call good and evil as labels designated by a creator to install rules within this operating system as long as it remains in charge, cursed with blessings that may not work as charms against the compulsory service we seem automatically signed up for because our beliefs are no match for the overwhelming state of affairs that subsumes our worldwide community wholly isolated by of course some authority who is of the opinion that they speak for a greater good than that which would try to hold our hands as children to guide us through the perils natural to a path chosen and to teach us what cannot be learned without making mistakes that tempt fate to disintegrate what does not add up to expectations, to extricate this deliberate crutch as pseudo-spiritual aspect not that anyone cares to change things from the damaged series of disorders that we are modern avatars for holding up in the barest amount of mediocre stability that allows us to thrive instead of dying off so casually that no one can remark any different than those words that deflect the opinions of others to water the flowers with a lazy eye towards what can grow if nature rejects your offer to make things better by default saving face when called out on the relentless bullshit happening…

thanks, khet_:/

Posted by :\_khet on December 5th, 2023 in backwash, blogging, critical concepts, dark thoughts, j for Jeofail..., Miscellaneous, my art & dreams, personal afflictions, practical theory, rants & raves. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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