words that pass for Doors

the rancid robberies of fatal fetal feces facing the horrid and horrendous attacks upon people still living in atrocities as opposed to rural remedies to hypocritical wits offending tracers barely sacred in that sky then darkens as it becomes clouded by the rapacious salamanders that slither through the flowing vortextual swirled and imparted by mosaic motivational speakers without the proper billowing air swill sending a devilish dervish whirling to meet god in appropriated dance of the new-skeptical world of homeopathic consumption disposal this winsome longing gone global because no one seems to be paying attention to the tells of those marked ones made for the taking as another pawn is moved on the abstract of conceptual chess strict with wagered waves whipping the slaves to obey as games are played with their resource from which all things seem to spring though not the sprung trap that houses the pack of rats swimming through the gutter obsticular counterpoint appears as one of the many gestures fabricated to be Here in the remnants of attrition, who created this suffering sight of ages greasy and sleazy as intellectual pornography property of the law that officiates the decimation of expression all at once complicated and simply stated by the standard bearers where there is no leaders or ladies in royal flanking to keeping up appearances as assistant to the customs of the taboo and restricted because this is not civility no matter how secular and methodical in procedure that mechanical technical written to produced these spellings of casting out or making grim those layers of skin not solely human of animal fetched from the abyss as all bodies burn into a dusty sweaty state of altar by effect no error this technique with frayed nerve then to iterate the mutable wounded few into the room where chaos is kept by heavy laws of irony prospect dissected slashed face of the judgmental social conundrum beating the choice to score, but what verbal constrictions are multiple containers for the same shade of grey yet to psychologically scissor the massive lump into a profaned perpetual looping lemniscate thrill where the lost leave their bodies at the morgue for autopsy of the machine of meat left in our stead without that spark of life behind the eyes while interpreting sighs as signs of that wasted boredom so many have settled into because the chilling terror and fear fabricated is crawling through a street barren as miscarried womb dry with blood and mucus cursing our very existence… the stench of ultimate decay when the human chastity and silence suspend in viral disbelief though a truth could not be stranger than fiction any more than the human more human than artificial imposition protean exposition where a world as this is not as human as the creation it managed to manipulate sensitive demand the remove real fair meaning equally proportioned as it is poisoned by the micro-neurotic metaphor framing human experience slipping out of created intrigue demented human drama twisted in its limbo of in-between seemingly alternate of dreaming because a why is life living itself?… the hammered sickle cell anomie as anarchist against archaic facts of artifice seeks sacrifice to impose the item that drives one to search out the means to make progress the face of the system’s menace sometimes denying the center of material something worth dying for whether their plundered or pleasured treasures assures a place in the histrionic historical nesting ground for creatures of excess needing disgrace as a mode to save face, partial to the sabbatical stay of necessary sterile clinical hours remaining from this cumulative placed faith in hands insensitive to needs of others before we were brought out of our mothers, and faced with happenstance futility that acts as a fan of random blows oscillating repeatedly to reconcile humans behaviors and functions found credible and worth the time energy and vitality fouled by the laughing that loot and pollute the emotions of any other personal resolve or resolute stabs into the dark to reveal a path out…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on June 24th, 2020 in blogging, d for Dysteleology..., rants & raves, subdued wisdom, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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