
…many species steal wisdom through sexually parasitic forms of reproduction incorporating tactics that would offend most of our personal sensibilities and sensitivities proclivities that inhabit a questionable world of their own somewhere parallel to our own through thought and taught as lessons from long ago egos to keep up appearances of tradition as co-modified folk wisdom added to peculiar words and the charisma or confidence to say them aloud while wandering this heathen earth with no regard or respect for the natural turn of phrase that commands presence amongst that horde of essential elements that comprise human shapes carrying us, through our mutations into lands and depths unheard of by our ancestors constantly shifting control from without because within houses our fragment of soul sparking creative whims that others may fancy as if they are cared enough about themselves to divide their attentions otherwise to outside attempts to understand and engage other individuals about what we share as humans without highway robbery of ideas and schemes revealing unseen extremes of ourselves through scenes that delve into what archived meaning can be beheld in that hypnogogic state between thoughts where the language allows us to enthrall ourselves into thinking in cryptic terms of a critical nature as applied to subtle nuance at times dying with our very personal foundations breaking down and digesting signals to appease what a human is capable of in this world through systemic submission of one’s style of living to the outside authority for assessment in trials and tribulations as currently accepted by states in decay sometimes marked too subtly to see without external forces being present aiding re-calibrations of a vital continuity upkeep cycles as they proceed as defined by various methods passing among many civilizations as meanings of terms change captivating attention by extreme distraction… at all times now we are inundated with various overstimulating factors emitting from screens as has been the case for too many repetitions as yet to be collated by human inquiry taking cognizant form and assembling as a projected series of thoughts to convey alternative points of view accurately enough to be shared and discussed without feared distrust or judgment as concepts then freely associated do not have to be constricted any more than by personal preference which does not have to exclude human propensity for mistakenly identifying things that yield no logical result but surge outward with absurd energies, yet to be engaged with to further attempt to define realities in their varying truths from those imaginary friends in our heads that guide us towards other vistas present in alternate planes of thought and reason to provoke evoke and invoke spirits of old-fashioned interest foreshadowing implementation of forces into directing future tumult as mighty and contentious concepts colliding within contextual parenthetical processes that proceed furthest without human definition collapsing the function into observable data proving this or that theorem with which we incorporate other forms of former formulas and patterns to adapt as sequencing of humanity yet to experience, we have altered further caught before a primal fruition instead extended beyond the mortal self one experiences Here for existential explorations that risk much of the personal credential thus attained so far in the journey or so fear may inform us as such in staking a claim upon our consciousness at large by forces akin to outer gods whose mere presence sends our psyche twitching as though something is very wrong but that could be id influencing ego to feel intimidated by superego trying to drive off the cliff or so our beliefs would have been convinced from the start…

thanks, khet_:/

Posted by :\_khet on February 12th, 2024 in backwash, blogging, critical concepts, dark thoughts, g for Galere..., Miscellaneous, my art & dreams, personal afflictions, practical theory, world at large. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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