
…we seek seamless and airtight defenses against the pressures that exist without respect to the stupidity which houses this creature among many sharing knowledge oblivious to its sources at such rapid pacing that society and culture in general has a tough time keeping up appearances like they know where this discussion is headed determinedly and single-handed omnipotence to push forward without impediment perhaps as though the sudden quickness of currents of electricity flashing slightly through the dark and digital realms blinking beeping and whirring mechanisms harnessed to the software held enclosed within hardware warranting more vital understanding necessary for upgrades, from the prison of flesh the gods created for themselves so they might never escape as paradoxical information changes as knowledge freely passing from one mind to another as in almost psychic wavelengths and bandwidths for which our cognition is adapted to transcend and receive signals pulsing through the depths of matter and the aspects of reality it takes part in to contain this miracle energy that eludes us through unspoken evasion of ghosts connected by the souls of our feet walking living distances retreating from the horizontal while admiring the vertical that challenges us still in life achievement, diseased with senses of clarity that charitable quality sympathizing with the enemy perspective alluding to something than our own ego bias that siphon intruding thoughts quickly into energies that are difficult to regiment let alone describe without some kind of mistakes being made while trying to release those offensive feelings out channeling through atmospheric fluctuations butterfly effecting someone else on the other side of the old globe well-trodden by boot heels during conflict as much trenches dug out to expand transportation throughout the scope of human imagination becoming reality leaving trails and pathways crossing ley lines of importance… a killer in an arcade setting to choose which as victims to game are the easiest prey or seem to appear as such Here but outer projections can be quite deceiving as nature allows for each of us some potential state of the artificial that appears inevitable to more than a few conclusions ranging spectrums between abstract and nonsense in way more variability than even our forebears could comprehend without some advanced assistance from constituent ancestors whose visions might have led to this daily occurrence of fate to complete some circuit of divinity that will not abide by human interference, only our hands can sever these fortunate future utilities of futility unbounded because we are always in the mode of defeating each other and our ideals as many conflicting ways to save the world from ourselves causing further confusion and misinformation to spread far and wide amongst the denizens of this sacred space allowing of empty habits that get us nowhere as distraction although mirroring from the greater struggle that defines the cosmos in our perceptions of vastness incapable of absolute certainty without sacrificing some concepts that remain placed Here standing as awkward obstacles halting sincere progressions forward so inconclusively, incoherently speaking out of turn and timing with the rest of humanity in its reckless approach to the future ahead of us making us all incidental satraps of a localized authority forcing us to police our own mental states with cruel efficiency that relays normal behaviors as accepted by said biased overseers whose tasks leave them vulnerable to corruption at even the highest levels because of the multitude of things we are forced to do in order to qualify in respect of existing Here offended at the offensive animal senses we are prone to as pieces of creature and thought welded together genetically…

thanks, khet_:/

Posted by :\_khet on March 21st, 2024 in b for Boyg..., backwash, critical concepts, f for Floccinnaucinihilipilification..., Miscellaneous, my art & dreams, personal afflictions, practical theory, rants & raves, world at large. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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