the Dead Beat Generation (a manifesto)

solidly and firmly implanted in the history of beatniks like Burroughs and Kerovac, the Dead Beat Generation also embraces the slacker culture that has arisen from the laze that our baby-booming parents have instilled in those of us that make up the degenerate lower echelons, but as well related to the bleak realities that face our general populace and the now to deal with them… crazy is what is required to defeat a system officially based in corruption no matter how pure the ideals were that had begun it, and this is what makes us anarchists and deviants against the demolishing culture around us, eating our souls like we were fuel for a greater progress… speaking not of war but the changing of ideas to make ourselves truly free in this weird aura of abundance… our forebears have made us weak with their guilt and dispassion, but today is the dawning of a new realm of terror when we allow ourselves to just let them win… iconoclasm is the next step to making our demands heard… why work within the system when it tells us to sacrifice our souls to it in exchange for power and control when both are demonic entities anyway?… the music is a key as well to our survival among the nazi pigs controlling our every whim whether we know it or not… ejecting the rage that their output creates, and passing on the words to another to free their minds from the oppressive force that power-mongers create… the torment makes us hard and difficult to see their infectious ways, but in the unity of shared ideas, we can escape the grip that those would think they have on us… we never gave up our souls for this…

the Thirteenth Friday.

Posted by Friday on August 6th, 2008 in d for Dysteleology..., Generation of a Dead Beat. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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