
to all the hustlers scraping my corpse away as the day is shedding its womb state again long into the nightmare as this motion circulates the blood that is not our own once again for a shallow dip into the deep end that has no one to mean nothing to in order to keep up appearances though not for nobody in particular, just to keep sense of order as one sees fit throughout the larval stages set forth in this continuum befitting the flitting things essence that ties this together as stardust coalesces into a conscious action knocking down the dominoes beset through tradition into some kind of parallel future where no expression can go without censure of some kind to release the juices say those without the real power activating wealth forcing an accent of slavery upon all lands and states of being that manage or govern without anyone necessarily mentioning as to why these things are ordered as such when a two sleeps system whittles into single masses of rest in blocks of a 6-8 hour interlocking the various working schedules that do indeed seem distant from Here to there as when most of our lives are absorbed in this state of sleeping overlap as disorder controls the truth locked behind scenes from deep inside the bunker of the soul, and it is in this far place within we as inner children hide when the noise can become too abrupt to hear one’s thoughts frozen without a coldness being needed to achieve the same sudden stop as though the end were upon the individual attacked by panic that will not ease the frustration seething only diseases one with an anxious fever to prevent harm to whatever the self can be conceived of as in relationship to everything around you from exalted youth to dread of death… weight of wasted drips to take in another dreaded day that slips by too fast to gauge accurately enough to make everything happen as remains from the dazed confusion from before an identity like ours can be ready to take on this a waiting game writing and delivering out our passions onto a bleak pathway that slowly narrows to nooselike proportions soon before true reactions to the realization paints that face of shocked virtue upon appearances too closely woven into one efficient unit out of many different ideas and motive which eventually shift loyalty, to be seized by the real moment and moved into twilight zone secondary guesses as are caught netted by the chains of change caressing souls by shattering their dreams apart into crystal shards that enchant the curiosity called upon can luring all behavior of the scavenger scab-picking until the blood is lost and drained of all potency, and soon cuts off the killer meat making trouble as apex predator pissing off the rest of a choking mess made when marking territory comes to conform behaviors tracking nothing but selfish sensations mocking the masters’ orders that as children we so often forget a little more each time left alone to slowly evaporate meta data melting sacred votive candle burning cryptic temples built from bone and tissue compressed through a small gap left to fend as much for itself as possible until dead as gripped by our fellow travelers to raise us out of a muck raking the manure as penance for breaking rules and roles already set like cement as foundation for institutions as old as history’s penetrating lines worming through books into minds causing the next layers to confirm their front as a material proof before hiring one to a higher plateau of enlightened spirit instead of sport for the hunters…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on April 23rd, 2017 in blogging, dark thoughts, h for Hwyl..., my art & dreams, rants & raves. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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