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…critical subLiminal…

out of Context – ‘…compulsive fools who clear the way through nature of the subtle yet sincere darkness Here compelling us forward without regard for the respect or feelings of others, what demons we are when first converging out of the ephemeral potential that lies within us as organic creatures reproducing so casually as to cause chaos because nature wills it to be so without our direct and active participation outrageous to think on a primal animal level we are merely pawns puppets and people constantly looped into overreaction time and again too often defining our character by the rhythmic routines that carry us from waking life to dreams and back through the machines another apparatus moving us like avatars sorting us out better than we command them to do, in a world consumed by hordes of postmodernists…’

…the last wind Breaker…

‘…functioning as best as possible through layers of inconvenient obstacles lodged within sights of a questionable objective always, a life devoid of humor satire and farce the only friends humorous enough to have and keep in good company because as vital abstracted quality humans have in abundance Here even if they technically don’t observe it for themselves instead a choice to be bitter and resentful of timing gone wrong as any other person on this planet but we are afraid of those things becoming spun out of proportion in strange smatterings of viral gossip transmitted more intentionally worldwide than ever before keeping us relentlessly deranging shifts gears and positions supposing there will somehow always be a tomorrow, until there are no more fucks left to give beyond the greedy hands who grab…’ – out of Context

…support Rupture…

‘…of lingering suppositions heavens or raptures that suddenly turn mortal shapes null and void when we would meanwhile still be attempting to survive beyond merely functions as has been dreamed of for some time by now as fiery light by which we guide ourselves through darkened decades to within present circumstances of striving throughout medieval periods in absolute chaos serving only the edge of the blade whether that forces one to bleed for their goals, that wondering to atrophy and wither once their atrocities are revealed whether or not the rest of the world agrees Here they are fraught with discrepancies throughout the journey perceived with senses that cannot fully comprehend the scales of viciousness and vindictive subversion that seeps in from the societal cracks seeding the warp and weft to soak in change…’ – out of Context

…dark forest Gump shun…

out of Context – ‘…involuntarily celibate stutter as though the words could ever make sense in your lifetime because none of the idolized coolness will stay familiar what with all these new-fangled technobabble placed Here to impress your friends if you can really call them that if there is no bond beyond acquaintance being social as a hobby for some those whom collect people to insulate themselves from prominent problems of the day in either confusing their unique qualities as special or truly afraid of the glitch in these systems like a piece of cracking glass that slowly yet steadily yields to shatter, usually at the most inconvenient moments whether driving by rocks thrown as walls and ceilings collapse creating a different reality new to the user whose interface requires a more engaging personality doing the best it can…’

…the mandaTorian way…

‘…elements of the social conundrum beaten repeated from answers to questions in rhythm though not harmony with the random shades of thought which take up residence in my headspace conditioned through years of trying to figure things out and then stopping to rest in peace even if there are no rest stops Here along the road or however the pathway is presented to you alone for you are behind the wheel to drive this analysis engine down the streets collected stray emotions register obstacles, as the harmful approach to a situation erodes personal common bonds to other people as the crazy distance asserted by default lacking the basic awareness to properly aid another as you would wish to be supported through doubts attempting not to falter once some momentum forms spinning anxious plates around us…’ – out of Context

…the Trama of flesh or a mushroom…

out of Context – ‘…phases fabricating artifacts passing terror with each step doing what we have to get beyond these thresholds that hold us back repressively disconnecting us from our greatest assets in each other without malice or jealousy becoming median motivating factors for human conquest most grotesque as witnessed and reiterated time and again when history repeats the patterns people seek for comfort to realize the whole world is hostile to a default degree of subtlety than we can readily perceive in the daily struggles achieved, Here to be freed from fascist creeds and maxims whose expiration date seems to have been many moons ago though today have the same strains of bigoted ignorance bearing fruit of innocence to become warped by the ideals of corrupted agents in such idioms of state and religion as allows hypocrites…’

…negligence & Exploitative reality…

‘…objecting to neglect trying our best to fight the dying of the light when no other enemies surround us today looking instead to flickers of brightness that shock the senses raw into reset as the eyes roll back in their respective head seeing the blindness in the sky strike as a lightning bolt between ears and eyes in attempting to stay conscious through that charged currency meeting resistance with morbid stillness and silence… what tricks are we trading up for when we finally decide for ourselves to advance beyond the weights set against our personal momentum from traveling the cosmic far away there moving all mutable variations with silent logic drifting between liminal spaces nominally imaginary amongst those who cannot experience the depth of layers in nuance as much nuisance of the senses…’ – out of Context

…mi vida odio Nada…

out of Context – ‘…many of us have been vehemently brainwashed into thinking and acting in specific ways that do benefit those profit seekers willing to cross as many lines before they die just to say they did it without any real regard for the victims created from this hostile treatment which comes back upon all threatening forces wrongly denying their part, playing a prominent role in question used as critical authority over anything Here becomes a corrupting power absolutely answers excusing without explaining behaviors detrimental to our collective existence where mercy is denied except from accepted terrestrial persons in charge and asking to be taken as our leaders when they have not represented their various people for too many aeons passed beyond recognition of whatever can be genuinely interpreted as sincere in such inhospitable places…’

…weaponized inCompetence…

‘…dressed as empty words trigger horrid feelings inevitably causing wounds of more than a physical nature as pieces of friendship and pedantic leanings can fall apart when the communication is rife and rich with inane layers obsequious surmise to all persons involved tired trope conducive to remaining in contact or connected throughout the journey without any regard for meaning well being intact as people endure each other and their irrespective bullshit thrown up like vomit projects a wall of excuses that aren’t cut to fit that glitch inside my mouth that tells me what to say when it turns the brain off, it makes me go insane as weaponized masses of dysfunction that grow into thick tumors which yield a syrupy pus drawn from a deep sickness that prevails over what cultural graveyards we have…’ – out of Context

…by Leaps we are bound…

out of Context – ‘…to rise again from the depths as superficial fads recirculate a drifting catch caught only by a few wondering where our fundamentals really come from and to what ends the words will inevitably become exploited into conforming to what stylizing of meaning lose to those that try to haphazardly follow through the middle distance Here resistant to analysis because everyone stands there against horizon line between sun see and sky, keeping consistency through constancy weighing in against curriculum by which we all say we shall abide adhering to social criminals and their kind of mayhem while it travels farther making victims of our species throughout consequent generations lingering in the blood mechanics and genetics as though curse not to be taken too lightly as the irony tries flattening out the more arrogant of us…’