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…adVersenary mercantile…

out of Context – ‘…aspects to our lives in order to achieve fulfilling points of reference to allow us some positive light on through those darkest nights each ahead of us in our time, Here questioning the tempest that arrives to sequence our living systems differently than they were before maybe more primitive than alien as mind-body dichotomy attempting uncomplicated understanding that might mean a universal enrichment throughout grandiose profane scope of an endless or eternal being absolute without any kind of breaking down made apparent somewhere as proof of something we were unaware of prior to absorbing the examples and experience for ourselves thus leading us to evolve in whatever ways nature makes possible for us to make things happen with freedom of choice or obeying the fist when it strikes us down, survival through the unrelenting violence…’

…sarcadian Rhythms…

‘…who strikes again unwittingly drawn to say chaotic insightful comments that seem to have unless thought is applied to the questionable meanings no rhyme or reason Here laid out by the speaker using implements of humor such as satire farce and other gimmicks to gather attention in otherwise boring discussions and absurd poetics actively switching out concepts, making haste for the exits if and when the distress gets to be too much Here for our emotional compass to guide us amid severe social static constantly reflective gestures on the quickening as we each sometimes sideways ride the frightening grabbing life by grave movements at stake under a disguise of atrophied lies defying logic and wisdom turning tricks in the streets getting broken coping mechanisms working when acknowledging the mind is a labyrinth matter of opinions…’ – out of Context

…cease & de Cyst…

‘…to escape or with which to shelter oneself or others when new world warfare demands sacrificial soldiers and higher body counts, irrepressible trauma garlands warriors turning them on with gore into readily available psychosis for anyone to notice Here in the midst of deplorable actions which are normalized to an extent of accepting deadly desires for weaponry as common so much so darker moments of gunplay have become fetishized away even as corpses stack up domestically with some of us delighted by these statistics out of morbid curiosity showing our capacity for wanting to do harm to others without thought being given to what repercussion likely occurs if such tactics are implied to be necessary even if collateral damage casualties end up being children, toxic streetwise affiliations on battlefields anywhere warfare permeates our comfort levels…’ – out of Context

…necropolitic Meliorism…

out of Context – ‘…respect and integrity as virtues, so virtual even if this reality restricts access to constructing compassionate works unlike competitions grandiose currency in satisfying capitalistic criminal parasites arguing to reject those they deem undesirable topics amongst their people of necessity and need to those not willing to take responsibility by proxy for the mistakes made worthless as encountered only making accusations blaming others as loudly on as many various platforms as possible to establish critical cringe of the utmost potency to dissuade every and anyone from voicing valid grievances with whatever systems are currently in place managing any humans residing under their jurisdiction, abusing nominal fictional power over other people to varying degrees of wield ability weird when a greater good questionably asks you to better the world through using violence…’

…surrealistic Pillory…

out of Context – ‘…themes for ages though shaped differently as collaborative beings dictate what we should do to create harmony between mind body and others in setting similar parameters around themselves to stave off public humiliations as the pressure assumes one to utterly sacrifice ourselves and our abilities onto natures progression, even if it must have human figureheads on the helm to denote our dominance and authority even if this is only reinforced because of the ease at which we are capable of killing destroying or maiming others of our kind for little to no reasonable justification as we are held accountable for ourselves some more than others that could plausibly stay anonymous amidst all of the rampant digital absorption barely beginning to assimilate consciousness where it applies beneath or perhaps outside the physical facade taken for granted…’


‘…forward through unknowable wreckage until we get there some ahead of the ones who will have to try surviving to the next tomorrow as it swiftly leads to today once again savaged when the sunlight hits distracted by impression when darkness collides with twilight, so suddenly sometimes there is a flash in the eye of the ones readily applying themselves to ride aboard wherever the ruler ship of the moment is going that leads to doing whatever it takes to attach like hopeful parasites sneaking upon the underbelly to prey on others at the worst end of human weakness cowards being self-righteous Here by one who is referred as …’a manipulator of a mob who holds sway by use of inflammatory rhetoric, casting opprobrium, and by appeal to the lowest common denominator generally…’ – out of Context

…edifice Complex…

‘…as crippling sensational decisions catching us off-guard as the idealized innocence breaking into maturity taking away our context of perfection yet remaining so critical that it fails us disgusted by the rotted corpse of tradition that guides those to volunteer sacrifice through the artifice of darkest reaches without exception Here erected as idols gathering momentum through the unified warships around us as martial envelope that shelters as much as it also enrages the encased to harass within this crass verMenagerie repelled appeals without being virtuous to wield forcing polarized antagonism few can resist… exiled to a land of man-made mountains of glass and steel bordering upon gods’ fortress buttressed by the beliefs that shatter this gloried whole of excellence by wishing for expectations to connect with substance instead of some ephemeral longing always…’ – out of Context


‘…killer in an arcade setting to choose which as victims to game are the easiest prey or seem to appear as such Here but outer projections can be quite deceiving as nature allows for each of us some potential state of the artificial that appears inevitable to more than a few conclusions ranging spectrums between abstract and nonsense in way more variability than even our forebears could comprehend without some advanced assistance from constituent ancestors whose visions might have led to this daily occurrence of fate to complete some circuit of divinity that will not abide by human interference, only our hands can sever these fortunate future utilities of futility unbounded because we are always in the mode of defeating each other and our ideals as many conflicting ways to save the world from ourselves…’ – out of Context

…mourning Sickness…

out of Context – ‘…clouded minds and overbearing judgment as precedes calamity on a plane of realizations not everyone has the capacity to endure as significantly or extensively as the more human than human myths cherished and proliferating the various levels of societal engagement Here rituals regardless of individual because that there will always be another to take their place one of the many faces smearing feces over everything as though it doesn’t stink but instead somehow makes things better and we sold out to believe the lies told, without exception or acceptance in this carnal arrhythmia as it pulsates alive in the midst of it feeding upon our futures without question because this is the way it has been chosen for us to receive instead of choosing for ourselves what to do next with these feelings of dread…’

…’die-que’ Otherwise decay…

‘…united statistics promoting or denying what we believe… proclivities toward deciphering what we can from the elements of skills established by experience and talents innately attached to however the sum of parts equates to us as human beings with some strangely-charming quirks and attitudes overlapping genetic codes conflicting with foundations of self and tradition interwoven between gaps and epochs of epic societal upheaval beyond parenthetical times framed by subtly radioactive strands modeling digital archives condensed to piece together provocative and such controversial states all the stirring of these overlapping thoughts as dramas of dust inside of our heads relentless until our deaths, as which we are beholden unto them in their mighty cringe as libel labels and branding to say this level of gossip is a constant medieval torture of faucet-dripping schizophrenia…’ – out of Context