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words that pass for Doors

‘…secular and methodical in procedure that mechanical technical written to produced these spellings of casting out or making grim those layers of skin not solely human of animal fetched from the abyss as all bodies burn into a dusty sweaty state of altar by effect no error this technique with frayed nerve then to iterate the mutable wounded few into the room where chaos is kept by heavy laws of irony prospect dissected slashed face of the judgmental social conundrum beating the choice to score, but what verbal constrictions are multiple containers for the same shade of grey yet to psychologically scissor the massive lump into a profaned perpetual looping lemniscate thrill where the lost leave their bodies at the morgue for autopsy of the machine of meat left in our stead without that spark…’ ~ out of Context

lifted from ‘Magic is Not Dead’ the only complete tome…

‘the bowels of language’ {TO THE VOWELS}

A “how” is the Action, the mention being much less than these feats that upon impact,
that can force us to achieve as much as fail…failure doesn’t mean ‘DEATH’
as much as we perceive it to be, lessons in building pressure and tension.

E “what” is the Energy, which can evade human engineering to create new and better patterns
to eventually lead to better situations, and it flows through everything
as they exist as artifacts in this dimension of analysis.

I “who” is the Individual, both the mastery and perceived subjugation of others
underneath no matter what the conceptual dividing line managed by these charged compromises
and collaborations intentionally pushing others into roles which constantly question the integrity of any given set of conditions.

O “where” is the Occupation, which could be either a career or something driven that occupies
the mind …

the debt of Safety coils at our feet…

the dirt dug us deeply six feet from the last bodies that dropped there having made the mistake of dying so slowly that the world change around us to be tempted by watershed marks on the pavement left after the seas of our past in a strange repetition of the past sagas swept over the ruling parties standing tall and upright to mimic and strive boldly into those false fates first in rejection of a solid and stable foundation to begin the quest out there and thus finally finish the question over doubt and skeptical sermons about the powers-that-be being present though not altogether aware of the future that would rise pushing promotions of civilized solicitation and lobbied an insanity into existence out of nightmares barely credible outside of the human mind seen as alien more than simply other …

Ectonomic rhetoric for an ectomorphic symbol….

the screeching of the weasels and the cries of the carrots echo down in the park this jungle has become drumming as much free basing off of the fear ruling the streets to make the consequences more distinct to those who refuse to pay attention even though they realize the hollow highs costing us our space and time if we waste too much of it to then become just another lesson to be recorded to teach the hoarders to confess their syntax with languages so late they are deceased or believed to be that way oppressed as dead “men” have no tails or threads used in a long drawn out series of threats as solely benefits anyone adapted and dying to take advantage of the greater collective hard-pressed to commit to a better future in easy-made instructions written for …

to DySpell… a remark on the making of games

game theory is real fun for hardcore mathematicians only everyone else has to learn an alternate lesson found from all these awful bloodsports as substitutes sequentially stalking and eliminating the common kind of lemming as they defy the ones who think they know what relevant information is among the masses that freely irradiate and choose to radicalize themselves through the humbling self-sacrifice it takes to get anywhere worth going toward whether there happens to be a direct and easily referenced concept to pull the unaware from their usual ignorant state of satiety only to comfort the weak ego that dies Here by following the rigorous mortician set into place by consensus reality at its most banal and concrete of “conformi-tah” like a classically-trained professional killer running about as if a ‘semper fi’ dropout soldier of fortune popping out the …

The grime noire…

out of Context;
‘harsh consequences bringing about cause and effect as established fact to be learned or earned by made mistake assessed as lesson, and not the dead end of failure used to blockade people from their destinies deemed worthy by forces allowing us to be where we are so that we utilize our freedom of choice for more than merely selfish tricks pulled out of the hat shooting from the hip to fake it until a successfully remaking of ourselves into who we were envisioning as who we would be by Now through whims wonder and fantasy that affect the presence as the aura or think of it as the palpable emotional self as stays a frame or two out of sync with our version in the present of Now the only thing that is real…’

sham Bro lifics…

out of Context;
‘spaced out and prolific somewhere on the faces is written an awareness of what is already there transferred from place to place by a vagrant consciousness roaming the features through figures as they are shaped and themselves shape the destinies of lifelike likenesses to coming to try trading us spirits for efficiency as a snake oil salesmen before them caught up in the flimflam that asserts a final epic swing loosed under conventional acts undertaking the unconventional ventilating extremes exorcised by demonic coercions that cohere to this bionic culture hybrid and horrid on unique points on their way to becoming managed by aspects of competition squeezing the denatured juices as dementia quantified, but tainted loves aside we stride casual on into the causal plane of our birthing songs that dance in our eyes and dreams…’

a World to the Wise…

out of Context;
‘public face on a certain amount of information as consensus reality’s stamp of approval calling forth the critics some to deny its entry into popular belief the digital relay between man and machine changes as well to new frequencies of exaggerated dalliance trying to form absolutes of alliance and agreed upon boundaries as lines not to be crossed even as Mankind defied these ideas themselves long ago before the standards impressed in after effects of government intrusion staking shady claims upon defilers of environmental concerns as they raise to crescendo pitch, and affect the peoples within that greater majority appealing for a stasis that relies not on status or respect gained from financial certitude through which the obnoxious attitude is evolved into an animal substitute to the challenge of mating…’

the Cock-tah-gone…

out of Context;
‘tormented by the processing posture that this catalytic machismo pretends to protect when only self-interest applies for these razor-sharp wits a little bit estranged by mistreatment from anyone else wishing to appease these stoic stooges at random intervals of time and space as opens for another of those somber shaken moments masochistically beating one’s self up with emotional stress taken too far, the hollow head echoes the emptiness within hardly a relevant thing left to say superficially swallowing the shallow placebo pills pushed onto our psychoses through doses cutting ourselves off at the mouth and either of hundreds of possible worse case scenarios in which failure and betrayal are the only options…’


out of Context;
‘placed where they could present the most lethal of hostilities groomed to cause unseen threads of manipulating ley-lined strings connected at the places conducive to movement for an insurgent villain grift to follow and distract, countries kill and die over their nihilist national identity which neither represents the ant- nor protagonistic force alone but a combo of the few “winning” traits we all share by genetic strands swaying us in the solar winds until baked to death by our ecological retardation creating pockets a bit too underdeveloped in this world soon causing other forces to be unleashed like elder gods older than the periphery by which they wander around us as a burglar waiting for a moment’s weakness to strike out affixing defiant traits to tiny minds capable of holding the theories only the shadow knows…’