out of Context – ‘…mutations which kill us slowly every day an ideological torture device pulling at parts in strained training us to obey our masters through painful restriction deprivation, hideous mockery of humanity wearing masks to hide behind bad ideologies fall down over time against us while there are many forces at play working discipline attempting to dismiss this truth through depiction as one big game that one becomes poor sport for refusing to participate in oftentimes never winners or losers but who takes the most advantage sometimes aggressively undermining their opponents to succeed cited and remarked by those getting caught in the acts by others who usually remain nameless until accused of causing harm austerity naturally harsh having its tender casualties quite thoroughly spread mismanaged by social systems, overwhelmed into seeing only numbers too frequently…’
out of Context – ‘…described as being hypocritically apocryphal or an unsound pontoon trash raft of news, constantly making our fragility known when we are feeling most certain that things will go correctly one more time around on the life lesson wheels of fate spinning us faster as we understand better further secrets aphorise becoming mystic enlightenment paid for when the dervishes whirring whirled starts stopping completely leaving us all to question our guiding structures of logic and reason in pursuit of survival re-calibrating what was once there before apocalyptic armaments and dystopian dreams filled the streams live with people reiterating the same garbage to each other until one of many lies sticks or makes an impact, as it used to be with breaking reports on nightly network programs then programming the chosen viewer with critical impairments…’
out of Context – ‘…degenerate mockery goes for normal these days trying to find fitting artwork to indulge in affairs of perspective somewhere Here styles of realism versus imagination and where the divergent points intersect all throughout the interpretative minds of artists to create such works that intrigue us more than as memories from some distant dream fighting with the thing inside ourselves that wants to enact motions of dreaming while awake and seeing substance manifest or that elusive potential in attempt at tempting reward to value ourselves with as well as others in this biased expression of leadership fraught perilous, continually renewed shaping a bit more each go around in social orbit of the fringe crowd cringing in grief ripe slaves to habitual rituals that succeed through their sacrificial sacraments suspending the critical disbelief…’
out of Context – ‘..for the conceptual perfection, unique civilized take generally idolizing people speaking on matters one has no prior knowledge forcing reliance upon improvisations to adequately complete the narrative everyone wants to be true for themselves lodged Here in the nitty-gritty that reality proffers equally to everyone accumulating clutter specific to this continuum comprised of consumers consummating their obsessive relationship to their goods rather than facing their gods with confidence of overcoming the odds stacked up against us resonating with underdog fashion one-in-a-million lottery whose bread and circus stakes are high and clustered together then depressive downward swing adapting if no one pays any real attention, circumstances as glimmers of hope gone now milky and matted sheen as the eye who cannot see gone cataract uncorrected guinea pig self experiment…’
‘…wavelengths and pathways of which we have most familiarity threaded within a cosmic digital tapestry such as this recreating what was previously thought or taught always in motion to define what remains leaving more questions, Here are few answers universal in their application though people will try coveting ideas by any means necessary to them to siphon what actually an idea can evolve into actively acting on various points and principles to reference and experience a larger picture than what may have first appeared barring logic from the sensations until such a time that analysis is detrimental to the magic but instrumental in discovering the layers that science can readily inhabit taking original sources to splice ends by twisting them woven tightly fashioning as ties that bind their stories together no matter how disparate separately…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…subjective suspension of disbelief if for only a brief moment, subdued by those counting and keeping track of the seconds wasted in details combining efficiency with a metaphor for the recycling of souls as though this were some commonplace conceptual fertile soil which allows for these myriad abstracted things to flourish in nature’s embrace reconstituting and recapitulating zygotic faces from the cosmic fluid into substantial beings Here reduced to fundamental elements that feed the machine what it requires to keep pumping babies and chemicals and other exotic caustic things in which to house its menace and ulterior motives best while throttling the glorious whole of humanity in some atrociosexual deadlock, in extremes without thinking about them…’
out of Context – ‘…conflicting us yet further still sometimes to darker places to hit wrong as long as we allow ourselves to retrieve the inner child to act like babes in the woods lost until we are ravished and our blood feeds the soil darker still for these years go by so unafraid of twisting us in such awful ways played… as games we shun being played by others who build terror and tension in equal strands of threatening haste implied copy and paste emotions officiating over real ones accumulating as a counterpoint flushing past a wall unseen except by those whose experience dictate and register such discoveries before others in the material universal finding stable footing while beings versus a psychic leak doing its best to emit vital fluids and knowledge into the abyss that stares back…’
‘…the naive to the willfully ignorant denizens grouped to gather Here in what seems like random intervals of collusion and collision creating series of juxtaposed and compromising situations while under constraint of cannibal duress facing chafed opposition wrought Here by mere shadows hinting at some sinister appearance teased around every corner through mighty internal exposition utilized to explain, whatever there will be has been already as energy constantly cycles in a connected collection of parts speculative in their mixture as the variations ebb and flow upon threads bared by the cosmic winds winding down occasionally while other things such as fluids have their own dynamics to be aware of in subtle patterns as pheromones and signals the human body emits naturally though unnaturally omitted…’ – out of Context
‘…see the reality of what remains unresolved as microcosm for the larger whole that knows not utility words that enable us to seek clarity out of the sewage that has become some semblance of waiting for death, indebted to layers of kindness and obligation from authority whose insight we distrust off-hand because our intuition says otherwise about oftentimes subtle treachery afoot though by nature of covert tactics appears to have obscured successes as opposed to explicit violence creating eddies of mayhem in random bouts swirling hectically through the technical snares that hook and tear holes in the arguments meant to be taken seriously once the laughter settles the trends of offending units marching unified dysfunctional series in appearing as humans servile to obscene gestures…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…with what little information we have gained the ability to explain accurately whether blessedly simplistic or a complex series over the time and attention it takes, the artifactual ruining precedes itself on a level slow to construe as good for anything even in the midst of the overlapping life-death-rebirth strands of time directed through the lens of this universe not so uniform to account for the mutations and bruised egos in abundance Here sometimes in the dark forevers too long that madness does strike in all-at-once tragedy adapting to irrelevant stories woven too closely together to peel away comfortably the legitimacy that wants to feel like intimacy even when knowing no one…’