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…papal Bull…

‘…the words we use now hold a freedom that people do not until even as times do change for what can be perceived as better there are still peculiar undercurrents beyond localized state of mind confused that take us by misconstrued evidence of a vindictive monster that somehow does if it could be called live up in the cloudy atmosphere above our heads, though as above so below so that the dead flesh walks again in the streets with us proving to us that this works even if it becomes another step in building to boredom this ennui triggering a depression of internal aspects we have never known any thing other than this as myriad of systems that currently exist that would normally allow us to function properly though still invariably there will be mistakes…’ – out of Context

…the Brooding thoughts…

‘…to have their terms apply to us means constraint not control even though this is a blatant and unforgiving lie meant in subduing any and all individuals to whom do not control themselves in a way seen as effective by the authority considered Here to have the oversight, that attitude rudely abrupt and apt to interrupt the proceedings by enforcing rules through psychic policing roles within the self imprinted with material washing our sensibilities with caustic soda holy waters bathing outlooks in fear and a dreadful expectation yet to be found dead in the streets gunned down by another unknown assailant keeping up with the new patterns…’ – out of Context

lifted from ‘Magic is Not Dead’ the only complete tome…

‘the bowels of language’ {TO THE VOWELS}

A “how” is the Action, the mention being much less than these feats that upon impact,
that can force us to achieve as much as fail…failure doesn’t mean ‘DEATH’
as much as we perceive it to be, lessons in building pressure and tension.

E “what” is the Energy, which can evade human engineering to create new and better patterns
to eventually lead to better situations, and it flows through everything
as they exist as artifacts in this dimension of analysis.

I “who” is the Individual, both the mastery and perceived subjugation of others
underneath no matter what the conceptual dividing line managed by these charged compromises
and collaborations intentionally pushing others into roles which constantly question the integrity of any given set of conditions.

O “where” is the Occupation, which could be either a career or something driven that occupies
the mind …

sham Bro lifics…

out of Context;
‘spaced out and prolific somewhere on the faces is written an awareness of what is already there transferred from place to place by a vagrant consciousness roaming the features through figures as they are shaped and themselves shape the destinies of lifelike likenesses to coming to try trading us spirits for efficiency as a snake oil salesmen before them caught up in the flimflam that asserts a final epic swing loosed under conventional acts undertaking the unconventional ventilating extremes exorcised by demonic coercions that cohere to this bionic culture hybrid and horrid on unique points on their way to becoming managed by aspects of competition squeezing the denatured juices as dementia quantified, but tainted loves aside we stride casual on into the causal plane of our birthing songs that dance in our eyes and dreams…’


out of Context;
‘the purpose to pose as victims of that deathly taste the faceless true god we have all submitted to gracelessly slipping from this conscious consensus bequeathed to us to hem and hum and hah overtly over and over again, or are we faithfully faceless merely as anyones forgotten the centuries drift dripping by as these sands we have convinced ourselves is all Here short supplies on these heathen islands called ‘planets’ by a contrived concept of historical frayed ends left questioning what this is exactly whether really as the scene was specified comes around to our way or not in resolving the personally bitter end increments of any endless wanderings meandering towards those vaulted spaces taken when granted we tried to grunt as specific syllables in the form of fragile bridges that we do eventually abridge…’

Boom!… or shoot…?

out of Context;
‘circumstance betraying of one’s own worth, trampled for the vapid jerking machines tragically aligned under the mystique of values set off like bombs a few paces from where parental figures dropped you in last when rules that were made in no sense as child raised can seed these things even a fatality sensing fanaticism some cannot be shied away from as violence draws blood from us stoned drones mumbled jumble that like a magic enchanting we quickly get intoxicated and attached to the carcass…’

i don’t Believe in the mind games, do you?…

out of Context;
‘doctors and scientists alike continually process and reassess through reminders of what it was going to be along objective states of neutral circumstances with tribal trials and separations as one mind realizes inherent validity in another, and so it goes as the stutter of ignorance engrains and trains us to be domesticated citizens fully inundated with the mutually exclusive protocols of government and spirituality that guide us on in the directions that perhaps make no sense at first sight when feeling those winds of change blow apart of the situation into follies that evoke only serious perspectives experienced through the scripts of law writing trial and error to the current aeon in flux… crows pigeons and even the human creature stands at a cosmic threshold…’

Obstinate Bass

out of Context;
‘a steady droning rhythm coalesces from the air observing the odd moods enchanting as a stubborn object implemented into this muscular tapestry displaying a harmony of synchronization moving from the subtle station to shroud through our substance, and resonating so deeply in its penetrations of spiritual ebb and flow through cosmic wave gyrating slowly by our standards as like a glacier causing a change too personal yet to command a better mental shield that should appear and protect those unaware of this as a perception switching movement occurring between us because of this, in a distinct tension created by the mere mention of any sensitive subjects…’

Smitten with the Bitten

out of Context;
‘dealing with barbaric habits and traits as too close to breaking these odd chains connecting us through love without question though not altogether unconditional, a feeble attempt to coerce that oneself idealized truly into kickstarting this dormant understanding somehow to foolishly acquire our lives Here as holy psychic artifact left obtuse for all to use, and the demon semen are left to coagulate on the lips and in the wounds of those handful getting the brunt of the abuse from the careless and brutal whose torturous methods are satisfying only in a momentary eclipse of emotions euphoric for a brief interlude subsumed…’

Life as a letter Bomb

out of Context;
‘symbols and signs littered in every aspect of the human travail building up to aspects which vent the pressures of this human motile machine as animal coming to terms with itself as much as the states of awareness and ego either housed or sheltered within, a body moves in mysterious ways that can only be defined once the act is done and the intellect is left reacting to a force of whatever the collaboration between intuition and instinct to which ends our mind may use reason and logic no matter how ill-conceived to justify any and all of the actions made…’