
Lewis Black puts it best when he says that this is the moment; not the actual moment, but this the moment of anticipation… this is the best moment there is.  The actual event is almost always certainly a letdown.  Let’s consider for a moment he’s right.  If this is true there’s no point in anything, which defeats the anticipation all together.  Without the goal and more importantly the work and preparation towards making the goal as positive as possible, there’s nothing to anticipate.

My recent catching up with the fellow musician formerly known as Satan comes to mind, from his tales of his inaugural show, to the current anticipation and traces of trepidation I feel regarding our tentative plans to make good on a vision first seen in his minds eye nearly a decade ago.  It’s a grand concept and therein lies the root of my trepidation… It’s going to be a lot of work with more than a few miles separating the contributing parties.  I look forward though in getting a toehold established with the first of the track list ‘Gutterrats’ finally being finalized, mixed, mastered, and burned to a cd.  Corporeal, tangible, no longer a relic dwelling only in the annuls of several few minds.

This next few weeks also mark the beginning of a new and completely fresh stage of creativity with the first baby steps toward starting a new business.  The culmination of several months of brainstorming and bouncing ideas off the like minds in my present circle of friends has led me to the aforementioned old friend in search of artistic input…. I’m hoping my mix of humor and intelligence hits the target audience in the temple like the most well placed sucker punch… time friends, will tell.

Posted by Matto on May 29th, 2010 in madness of matto, p for Periclitate..., the MUSe sICk. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

One Response to “brewing”

  1. cassie says:

    hiya. this might be totally out of left field, but i’ve been enjoying tarot spells for seeking understanding and like guidance in life. this was inspired by reading the book space/time magick by taylor ellwood –which totally changed how i saw divination –i finally realized divination is not only trying to tune into the future, but that in defining what we are devining, we are choosing to focus on the upcoming possibilities, and/or detracting from others, etc. like playing with the cards as archetypes that represent POSSIBLE past/current/future events (depending on how you want to set it up).

    then, a continuation in my own discoveries recently, i found the ‘tarot spell’ which is a circuit that has some basic components: mainly the tarot cards, in a constellation that is meaningful for you, these act as a sort of archetypal filter. then as with most rituals you have the energy raising via chanting/dancing/music-playing/sex/ whathaveyou… there is also the psychic link: am object that belongs to (or represents) those involved in the question/intent , or an object otherwise related to the topic being ‘entangled with’.

    anyway, my personal experience of late says this is very powerful –the archetypal filters seem to be able to send focus right through all the usual psychic blinders/filters and so better link me to my higher self or however you might see such things.

    anyway, best of luck

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