everyone is going to lie…

honesty is magical to those that know how to use it properly within the paradigm of language and turn of phrase to describe what a mutating perfection this has the potential of being while we are Here in a tandem unit compromise trying to understand the biological as well as all the other parts created in equal of the others conjoining to meet under the cover of this obvious reality staged for those people attempting to find purpose as lost pieces collected though littered throughout this bustling din of a bright noise and loud lights trailing human effort behind itself, taking up the waking mind with force of banality laid upon pain and misery to an unacceptable leveling of living conditions conditioning a person to choose what they know even if time gets worse in pushing the case for trying to the helpless levels unfortunate and inferior to those standards held high today tardy in accepting the human flaws and compromising situations that take place scarring the human farce it has been alluding to that all ideas are shit to be spread around and loosed upon the world by reckless the people who always remain nameless and faceless until such a time comes to punish both ourselves and the offenders, and we howl for blood whenever justice is not delivered as others deem it should be in depth of clarity that these truths are undeniable though at times difficult to triangulate among those elusive and reluctant whose stubborn assertion of righteous and evil are personal and often not linked to any truth that could be considered objective within the animal hive consciousness as found qualities and traits that humanity keeps controlled by any means necessary… the momentum can overtake us without any other moments of a fore-notice as the learning curve bends like light refracted through a lens can change the perspective we see and hear as a vacuous obsession with deception and misdirection the liars in wait to represent all the false idols as authorities use to wash your minds out with sedative programming indoctrination begun from the first few steps onward into an obvious oblivion that seems destined while attempting to make a life worth living, an optimal delusion abused and concepts taken as hidden truth for granted as the festering massive awaits the final echelon of freedom and equality that we all seem to perceive in our dreams of the future though we fool ourselves into thinking we are fully awake as to witness these things without an ulterior influence dysmantling a functional and practical state of being even though there is no one truly in command enough to tell us what to think, or if we do allow others to lead us and influence actions as well as distract our thoughts and feelings from being a total force of honest curiosity and compassion it is because this freedom of choice is a primary conscious power of a vital control turned a commodity in reaching any destiny or density of the well-intended circuits bypassed…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on March 7th, 2015 in blogging, dark thoughts, my art & dreams, rants & raves, subdued wisdom, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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