the Active fist

acting without remorse at the betrayal of humanity to polarities ever-enacting these threshold showdowns to dramatic effect for all to observe as we march on declaring our innocence like a standard bared to intimidate the enemy, but if it is we who are playing enemies to each other, why is it that we crave this weird stability that lowers us all from innocent hell in a hand basket into that cryptic stigma shaking the roots of our civilized tendencies out as anathema under a faux noble church misogyntry (misogynistic gentry) and holy doctrines as harbingers of scandalously mad profits to lead our own hero’s journey through this desert of the real as the cycle circles in both wider and narrower arcs treading these new steps together as each piece unwinds… searching for access to compassionate instinct by sorting each tribulation from the next without some woefully complicated eye for detail distorting the mix between an austere and suspicious judgment, and the simplicity that exists as dared antithesis to this unyielding stasis that implements a number ways to keep the chattel from roaming too far beyond these old bounds where the leash can reach tightening to tame this the bestial side of frenzy and anger to will itself upright and walk like a human being, it is capable of making thoughts and doing actions on its own even though there are rules that apply Here excluding the emotional subtext of the plot leading this social placement for the human animal to rot from neglect or used to dissect the mind of those less fortunate encaged without respect… it has become difficult to merely sit on the passive sidelines like it always was when it is your vote can count against anyone’s arguments for another reinforcement of this standardization, we must question what it is the authority that binds us into this state of ego awareness pulled near to our ritualized hearts to account for the need to find stable security in what we do as individuals striving for purpose that will not desert us, but one of a few ways to do this is to start recognizing compassion is real not a vulnerability that leaves us open to wounds and scars as we embrace in our selves the distinct and reversing cursive line within us joining all our characters…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on March 2nd, 2014 in a for Anagogy..., blogging, my art & dreams, p for Periclitate..., rants & raves, subdued wisdom. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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