Humph day

seduce the confusion diluting the credit to our names as a projected collectively onto history without a feel for the people who underwent all these special experiences to reach adjustments of clarity as individuals now worthy of mutating into a human being wanting only of the pleasing vibrations and signals to interject pleasant contentment where the ease of life isn’t about the never-ending quest of living as brightly to the burnout as possible tethered in that heart skipping beats as the waft of feart roars a distinctly rude awakening, a second guessing the heat and the thrill when seats are still wet from this idiot flesh acting upon pure instincts intending to alleviate itself dropping a few cumshots on the floor when finished with a careful planning gone awry tired and unable to stabilize relief keeping chaos rolling onward from wave to wheel to willpower of the individual gone crazy from the states of the art stolen by those with beholden known ideals abused harboring criminals of the mind now lazing while the mean feeds the ends with gruel and aspics dungeoneering those darker harkens of an ancient sage wisdom exploited well for masculine treatments a bit too fringe when misused to disenfranchise all men women and unaware children on the mass scale, and like any other energy perverts never left as they too get transmogrified into more forms as relates to their journey in particular retooling the deep shadows reserved in unspoken rules to serve the purpose posed as statues questioned in those grand holographic continuums flashing throughout the akashic record onto replaying the moments we were to decide of our own free will as to make each unfinished experience the better though only feeling along with mere intuition or intellect or instinct or a combination of these things to guide us this way we are… tricking the likes of some of us silly in confusion with the engrained truths projected forward onto centuries of employee abuse kept in-cheque by those of whom are deemed worthy of casting the first stone even they would too do nothing otherwise if left alone as the will to speak gets replaced by a commanding voice of orders grinding most of us away daily when this is all we are left to know as the group think stinks worse than our trash filling the land, can we try to help ourselves if the other half lives in so overwhelmingly ignorant as to reinforce the oppressive dual of Man versus country as the corporate hand lends in its advertising to sting the competition with words that purge our destinies from within as though thinking these are simple tiny things to us that are stressing out as we work the clues between our fingers for answers that have hardly ever occured as they might seem, and to be not so damned if you do and damned if you don’t does not achieve greatness when we all taint this as a den of hells abated awaiting the fuel of our hate to then force-feed our own regurgi-taint-shun perpetuating in guilt and shame until only the fearless can survive toward that golden freedom idealized or sacrifice their own selves to serve a hive…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on January 29th, 2017 in blogging, h for Hwyl..., my art & dreams, rants & raves, subdued wisdom. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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