laddies and gentle ma’ams…

gender specific generic risking the variants tasked with these collected purposes posed to death as in a still life re-appropriated by the whole of a society gone affray from the tattered edges of government’s Titaning bounds tying us tight to each other sweaty body in strange relief believing any of the scum of the earth are not necessary to reaching any fortuitous conclusions we easily occlude as truth even as the aroma bears mention of this hidden growing state, early on taught to humble ourselves before the ones who believe they are in charge of this whole messy human endeavor and we are merely smaller beings in the pull of these greater forces causing both our births and destructions in quick simple steps easily presumed to be this or that pointing to reasons justifying our execution when death is as cold a certainty to confront although some few are saved from being exposed to this perjury in a peanut gallery of our peers whose embedded repetition is assuring us that everything is only to be okay if this stays the way it is Now, but i disagree with those threatening stages wholeheartedly when it is the we as these living performances keeping us all intrigued with should-have-been scenarios used training us to collect expected results like the ascent of the video game culture that soon leads to these newer systems of remote attack and monitoring endorsed by our fragile yet creeping opportunocracy terrorizing this populace at large with televised minions who bow before the craven institutions that have cultivated them up until this abrupt point Now… there are no people who could as successfully see through our eyes as ourselves without some form of subterfuge or assumption that what it is they think they know it is fact even when reality has smacked them up back to front with how wrongly their ideas of thinking this way were falsely perceived true as if that we could read into other people’s souls without their permission or to the persecution of our peers wanting no one to steal their thoughts and feelings into initiating harsh rebukes for these poor souls, the deserving is the individual within a group of ignorant fools who believes theirs is the righteous truth among them all meant to be the crowning of glories to change the story to a biblical epic torn right from the past whether it becomes sacrilege to enact this horrible privilege as the terrified forces bum rush in a panic to get out as the system is collapsing singularly as a misery spreads, and mainly from those whose battle is fueled by the barking of these sour masters who know no better than to attack upon those perceived as weaker in collective shaming games played for the blame factor framing those so enslaved against the changes becoming real bleeding into a harsh world where escape seems next to impossible without letting some few others into the transhuman ordeal romantically pondered as much persecuted by the many unconcerned by this as yet another experimental path to take…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on December 20th, 2015 in blogging, rants & raves, subdued wisdom, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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