this Kulture counter to Culture

a sadistic factory of damnation satisfactory in effect while trying to loop back around to break us fast into where we are thought to belong in a place that cannot hold us as one of the many to betray equally, the system drains the color from our faces as it tries to taste each one of us to get a distinct flavor with which to identify the trouble we will get into as the individuals searching on our own hero’s journeys to find what we can of the truth in ourselves produced without objections, and yet we perceive this ideal a counterculture as the weapon to defeating the unreasonable majority locked inside the heart of this mechanical beast as we all participate in to create the power and indifference leaking into our standards to take our ego further into thinking ‘this is it’… all of these traditional ideas as they turn into other pieces to retain and an attempt at explaining this as sense of the senseless taken to extremes as the rapid viral memes and their mention of human contribution as well as misery in which we have been the most vocal of the subtle digital missiles projected to cut through captive hazy pandering that we as people keep indulging to fill up space, extruding fables from the heinous acts many in the modern cradle of life that we stress and strain to make more stable for the rest of the others so that humanity remains ever-capable of changing the world for the better not just to make it an equal amongst all of our history left spinning, but multiple senses are excluded by the powers being that they see nothing but the greed and their own biased values in a sea of lies and duplicity ruling out the truth for profits excused by a toxic drama and an embargo on emotional evolution in use as bargaining chip in a manipulation of the masses… to make those out as taking drastic measures overstepping casual boundaries presented by a few that have alternate plans for exploiting a treasure, pulled from these cold dead hands of the fundamentalist fiends who claim a righteous knowledge of what is better, and in razing of our youth to a level designed to render vague dreams of concrete in place of what reality could be theirs as the exalted outcropping of a truly humane structure manufactured and polished glossy to the finish as humanity in its’ fatality possesses many ways to portray a magical symbol…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on June 29th, 2014 in blogging, c for Colluvies..., dark thoughts, k for Kalon..., rants & raves, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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