a thick epiphany…

ringing sentiment that the world as we know it is over while not knowing what to do with ourselves in the mass of sweaty offensive bodies forcing their way through the portal to home unknown until we all get within a better range of whatever it is that is the desired place or thing as objects of our dreams made into a manifestation by idle forces forcing to work the ones whose attention is paid as installments stalled by the absurd qualities of the herd versus the hive when both sides are brimming with idiots whether it is religious pilgrimages or opportunistic business trips made to extravagant excess that vagrants cannot access without threatening the pursuit of crappiness into which we all seem wooed countering the mystic mojo of finding a way out of the maize no matter how corny it appears to mean or say, as a crap happening to be beat out of us from the start as when we first were shot out of this human cannon that carried us to fruition under opposition of hatred inasmuch as the burden of love evolving us through these generations by pieces passing seasons in the ablyss born to conjoin these traits with another lost soul who wishes only the best for us and we for them in tapping a part of the ancestor hole filled with consequences from actions we have never made on our own, but it doesn’t stop us from being any more or less than we simply are while trapped Here mocking the irony of it all as Now is marching away to fight yet another battle with the shitty weapons of the worrisome as displayed like the scalps of previous soldiers and leaders who fought bravely though never knew that this is wherein their motions would lead while their comrades and other bodies were crumpling to the ground once struck down by a fire unbridled… as witness to the televised execution of things so that some kindnesses bare out the spoiled rotten fruits of labors in vibrant currency as spreading and electrifying shocks of the system into a current state taken for granted by the residents unaware that the rules of a Mankind has imposed them with all forms of tactical subversion working to undermine the whatever it is a people might expect of their governance as when has there ever been some kind of happiness Here without the price attached by those arch-cronies dealing in demands, attempting to cajole inasmuch command the rest of this horde as secretive strategies used to direct ancient plot lines of struggle and conquer as cosmic joke smiths of the highest order unlike wizards behind the curtain whose laughter is as residue maniacal and malignant as fickle shadows fade into background noise, but no thing will ever stay silent for too long as energies release and recycle over those courses grown and charted even in what we call ‘death’ there is always motion throughout the layers as they churn and to expose what it is that ails us no matter the refusal we have to truly see it from whatever surface appearance might be projected to assume visions that observers could wish to appease their own egos…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on August 29th, 2015 in blogging, dark thoughts, my art & dreams, rants & raves. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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