Deductive confusioning…

dictated specific versions of self as they are used to define the holes of the ego as it falls inwards left to explore the banished course when it is we become solely and truly alone each of us the corpse after this becomes that deceased perspective of carcass as the shrouds of a death torn through to our consensual reality crawling cryptic with old ages and haunted by memories of mistaken brutalities passed between countries with national egos instead of individual ones then, but it all swirls into a muddled mass identity that blurs those lines set as boundaries to assure about what the authority cares for in loud and slow consonants and vowels in strung hung speeches speculating the relationships of an ideal of the world energy to itself and back again vibrating with urgent charisma promoting idealists forward progress as discriminated against the grain of a flowing mainstream mind moved beyond a Now by mistakes and merits strangely as stacked and are historically tracked in the various spans of myths collected and coagulated into rich bloods harvested to water the flowers of future generations as that spirit is only ours for so long before a hibernating begins peeling backwards as that ‘me’ melts into the framework of this systemic infection possibly an astringent presence that living counteracts the cheap thrills of this idiot flesh enveloping our soul and heart crudely coating us as any carcasses in which grotesque things are bound to happen once we explore this land and sea as much the sky and space creating a news bias by which be consumed or distressed in lingering threats still opposing that imperial crowded game of thorns whose want for nothing more than to be rid of the undesirable multitude which extends to our own individual rite of faschism becoming some subjectively objective horde of either material or ephemeral information hoarders in whose sum that such liberty gives them privileges to say what they think the right or real thing is, the underfound or ultraquiot whatever novelties you wish to name it as there are many phases which occur to slacken our repudiation spun as deviances though we always seem to find a way of keeping up-to-date with the decadence once its facets are recycled and renewals by the juvenility of youth looking for answers that a community such as those previously mentioned chose irrational failsafes to assure within this society their own ideals of superiority as seminal seeds set free against reasons of a people… we give our all expecting a shared piece of the credentials to escape this monotony soon tuned to the frequencies of a supposed higher distinctions when we barely glimmer with hope launched long and longing for a world we can only try to speculate around in this full range of future set against so many steps astride of the laborious costs that capitalize on our fear and our futility guiltily begging for more messy antics to trade the pain away, and taking little time to understand the Other in the finite capacity overpopulated with potentiality assaulting our senses cryptically crawling to heights unheard of until the talk of perspective catches with a mindful existence tracing lines in these timESPace wanderings conquering a continuum of continental divides soured on the certainties of collapsing graces and habituated bliss warped the sharp shape toward the ablyss bound to pull us into its swirl of gravity well above the rest of those repetitive traits overlapping painful surges taking self toward selfless levels of conscious collaboration, but we are not merely possessed seekers searching for conclusions cracked and burning fragments traitorous and torturous versions of the consensus grip holds the sands of lives in sleight of hand grasping with poison to our faces by strong diseases waving epidemic pressed as simple trigger pulled climate changing gradually gassing out our last few nobles escape…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on July 1st, 2017 in blogging, d for Dysteleology..., rants & raves, subdued wisdom, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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