Writing revisited.

mistakes, the maddening amount thereof, and the endless edit… this has finally come to an end for a short story I have been working and re-working since July of this year, the last to be published on this site at all recently, but I have recovered in my time off from these ideas… even though I seem rather taken by this ‘tentacle-raping’ concept, I have finally worked into the first ending since I really started this with focused intent, and will not be the last even though my writing style is very erratic… so now my intentions are tweaked even further through the spectrum, there is no more doubt that I can write, but the motivation still seems to wane when I least expect it… so what now, now that I have finished an actual story for the time being, but I quickly find that other stories await my mind for the grim task of editing to prove my ideas worthy and well-thought out… I think I might actually be on the threshold, but still cannot foresee anything beyond now… struggling to make ends meet from one paycheck to the next, various payments pulling their respective weight out of my accounts, and still trying to find any time to stay happily on the fringe… even though this cruel and sometimes psychotic world does not work through fair use of rules and tolerance, spreading pain and suffering wherever there happens to be a reason, and still we all seem to wait for a bomb to drop… obliteration would save us from our lost gyrations messing over the mediocre lines of disbelief, pulling the puppet strings to make those lines blur, and somewhere we separate from ourselves… that being said, the finished story has opened my mind palate, and it still wants a taste of the everything that a warped imagination can provide… so, next, “we” contemplate the whole slew of tales under my hat… this site has all sorts of creative elements to work out, as I have with my ‘writing style’, but these too shall yield to my time withering patience… half-assed Stoicism, but minus the objectivity, difficult to project but still valid through the nightmares… this manifold destiny I am creating, perhaps legacy of nothing, it screams at me as no other voices ever have… I propose this, friends, that I begin finishing more of these rotten ‘tentacle-raping’ scenes as their potency does me no justice really… the time always nigh to work on/develop my ability to write, I have even begun breaking down the songwriting method in a similar format, and hope to collect a rough draft (at least) of both music and artwork… now questions remain of the next one, and what to do with it while at the same time trying to work intensively with one story every week or so, though my highest hopes would prefer to do make it one a day… within the range of possibility, but not that inspired yet, don’t plan on getting addicted to methamphetamine or any other amphetamine for that matter to accelerate this process… Sorry, fellow Phil Dick fans…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on August 4th, 2010 in khet's coroner, my art & dreams, rants & raves, subdued wisdom, w for Wasm.... You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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