…exit Wound roustabout…

…anxious behavior compels us all to move further go faster do better no matter how many limitations are imposed upon us in general and localized as persons constantly in motion Here challenging people in their care and support for you always questioning trust whether or not whomever they be truly cares from the familial to intimate relations to platonic friendships as the common interpretation of domesticated love even these are their own trials and tribulations difficult to release constructively enough in clearing out mob frustrated stationed at that borderlands of death guillotine blade with guilt hanging over our collected heads, fearful specters as disgraceful emotions evoke militant madness and nervous paranoia anxiety crawling up the brain stem hyper aware hypochondriac strolling our fair streets alongside with liars in wait disguised behind civilized characters suffering through pretension in ridiculous absurdity who roam if they want to witness too many edges fringes or varieties of society become vagrant dogs under pressure of law and the monies backing those who would benefit most not best investing further in destructive practicing as though soldiers of no limits fighting financial wars programmed behind the curtains desensitized on blinding distractions this motley stooge and many others, lacking confidence from their ignorant patterns being afraid to branch out repeatedly because of the con games being played where usually we are the victims in this plague of getting one over on another before they can do worse and so on so much as bratty inner children behavior of absolutely no decorum lost in passionate heated arguments proving no one to be advantageous but persnickety people can be relentless dogs when they have bones to chew on and bury hoarding the suffering of another for personal reasons any way you can slice the conundrum beating us at living chess… attempts at disciplining oneself in all steps forward searching for personal truth as much exit strategies and covert schemes as knowing from below though unwilling to see it or achieve it because as human animals it is so alien to be conscious Here foreign fantastic and frightening delivered by unstable voyaging hundreds of years ago dressed in our ancestors tossed around rag dolls in dark cargo holds that it is an ultimate reminder for all of us to share the ride without apprehension about disturbing established stable conditions whose peace remains as temporary regard for everything shifting romantic idealized models, for those practical sometimes do maintenance requiring that we update and upgrade our perceptions separately and as whatever whole glory collectively instead of those diametrically opposed to one another vibrating at various frequencies whose states of the immediate makes them obnoxious people to be around this is the case almost always for those picking at nerve ending raw inharmonious attitudes made apparent through their actions who truly cares and who does not by weaving together collaborative with sensitivity toward the people they work with Here caught up in constant creature comforts of habit and ritual condensed and convenient accumulating little, novel steps throughout the days and moments as they might creep past gathering momentum if no one takes advantage of now the sacred cow as slaughtered for real our veal and other animal by-products mutilated and processed for our survival reviving obsessions to have something to focus upon with these attentions already so narrowed as to not upset whatever balance that may be imprinted in our skulls shooting missiles at our routine problems projected from our brains pushing us to test our limits however as chosen in this myriad of reasons mutilating seasons of nature with our dark strange technologies…

thanks, khet_:/

Posted by :\_khet on September 30th, 2024 in backwash, Miscellaneous, rants & raves, w for Wasm.... You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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