the spoils of Whores.
standing in the shadow of a pre-apocalypse fringe of behavior, a pat on the behind and the meme that it is “all right”, getting used to telling people their stories because no one ever really listens… such infantile ranges design resentment among the people, tension grows heavy as tolerance for insults wanes, and this is where critical judgment appears as insulting analysis… human beings are not my cup of tea, they allow themselves to get too bitter over things far out of their control, and this leads to troublesome adventures many times… cretins blank on impressive traits which we prescribe to and wonder why our lives might appear so vapid and unreal, but with an obvious twist so powerful and omnipresent that no one realizes it is there or was even there from the beginning, it is too loose to call it by any label at all because the god we relate to as a monster has to relate to our humanity like a monster… like just another pest to be sanitized by an antiseptic like politics or government… to motivate the rest of the populace there must be a universal means to connect, or else is lost under consideration of the deviant and decadent when in power over those that need guidance, we are the alternate facets of other people’s souls because the newly reformed soul stems from both good and evil in the same way as mother and father contribute genetic material at the same interlude… distracting ourselves with menial displeasures, goddamn the arch-nemesis of the good people, and the uttered disgraces at the truly fundamental foundations forged under false impressions… what starts as an experiment in freedom, which some willing wager never was the original agenda of the forefathers, disintegrates and becomes this fetid and foul smelling killing joke that crushes the spirit of the people that fall hypnotically under sway of its stink… thinking that the disaffected will be repelled by goodwill and hopeful crusades alone is unacceptable, what needs to happen soon is the melding and transference of informal energies between all of our various bodies without organs, but in that way that is truly capable of building the respectful communications required by human beings into a state of working conditions… our warmongering power state tries to cut off both our legs, and still expects a functional individual to spare as much energy or positive enthusiasm as possible, drains us of our potential wealth by mere meters from reaching a goal successfully as the rug gets pulled out from under our feet each time like clockwork… the prostitution rate rises as the capitalistic takeover moves through the circuit of the consumer curse, the money thrown at the problems doesn’t reprogram anything into the protoplasm deep inside the undercurrent of flowing primordial tissue, but this does not stop the moral crusaders at the other end of the spectrum trying the make splat of our souls in between the pressure plates of these fiendish torture devices as the momentum of forces from this opposite but magnetic pull from the money… pushing the middle class and killing off the poorest among us to become ashes in the next generations’ soylent greenery, a government mass-produced bile that will feed all nations as everything else wastes away in light of the wealthy pursuit of leisure in extreme exploration in as much as exploitation of the vast economic balance created by people, and will eventually become another stock market or labor pool in which the cycle of energy is used up and corrupted human desires lacking anything other than our own intuition to guide us astray in the outer reaches of this self-devouring madness as we all break beyond this abstract chrysalis phase together… i say these things, but still wonder where they land first, in the minds of idiots or the idealists?…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on May 3rd, 2011 in blogging, dark thoughts, subdued wisdom, w for Wasm..., world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.