What the devil sees, the devil wants.
the beast is myriad forms taken shape…the mind that guides these words is feral…the primitive harshness of a concrete reality, but what is real?…god is everything, a sense of one with everything, and some would say a certain selflessness…selfish beasts that we live inside…what meanings are offered to appease the ever-questioning mass of cells?…why does rot taste like the sea?…are we all parts of an ever-rotting godform?…the flesh would suggest that in some sense…why does the beast rot away?…godness defers some sense of eternity, or is that the dichotomy that the spiritual prevokes?…
Posted by flux-you-in-the-teeth on September 5th, 2007 in w for Wasm.... You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.
always more questions to ask.