what comes to mind.
insert a slip of the tongue Here. i bear no harmful intent, but in my wake are funereal rites of passage bearing the marks of intolerant behavior. the likes of which we may never see again in the same way. the creeping sense of the all-encompassing crowd, and the panic related to dealing in the social sphere. there will be no justice where there is no esteem for each other. again, though, the graceless slip of speech, when mind and body misaligned to reveal the magnetism of failure. that negative monkey wrench that has been thrown into the works to corrupt our severed senses inside the bubble culture. the cure to fecal retail is to put aside the walk of a lion, and champion the righteous noise of dysfunction, once and for all. to adapt to the painful attributes to which nature has sworn to uphold, to shine the light of irony upon every action, and we are to blame for the world deteriorating. i don’t think so, however, and seek to reveal the true impression that the cruel forces of artificiality in the name of surface value have impeded the actual flow of energy from certain “lower” plateaus for personal gain. utilizing to create more greed and unsavory people to sop up the blood and the gore that power-mongers resist the urge to get their manifest hands “dirty” with an aloof surge of superiority not to consort with the fetishistic root the human experience, but simulation upon simulation to distance any “truth” but our own televised public opinion. shotgun shell to back of the brain of the TV set. splat! the parts say. an unwary cable box blown to bits. the roles and rules within managing the household without television is better than the furious mental masturbation of perpetual dissatisfaction and the various exercises of ridicule when the television mindset is shattered.
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on August 28th, 2009 in khet's coroner, rants & raves, w for Wasm..., world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.