…me as we…
…and we are altogether accepting of the stature reversing the services to this function as we curse the ground we walk on everyday as a winding road that soon has no choice other than narrowing a fine point that cannot differ unless it forks like bifurcated tongue or other appendage one should use for more constructive things but decides otherwise in this supposed reference to sense of kink separate or perhaps foreign to myself as narrator to my own saga as easily my own prison used as plausible prism shining my light through if found too out of line, that authorities would not let me out of that instantaneous incarceration reflecting the lingering doubts triggering behaviors that were dormant until something fired up the engines to think these possessive selfish ways not making a single copenhagen interpretation thusly forcing a quantum “choice” to collapse in upon us all for science as the greatest savior of them all lodged in our hearts deeper than that jesus because of their hands at work fixing those broken layers taking token leisure for granted gift but able to be taken back by forces beyond our merely selfish woes whittling us down into creatures, that we can barely recognize Now that we have reached this plethora of auras mixing as some failed ghost chorus singing you silently through personal interludes in exposition defining your tumultuous tale ends and all traumatic steps in-between navigating of destiny with no small part in the whole glory thing taken way too far even as a joke we are choking on the remnants of coal-powered joys from a past creeping into our future through obscene rhetoric that jerks us out of our original headspace Here when letting our guard down too much to shield us from the worst… bad karma spills onto our feet and stains the rest of our days numbered as they are through our collective expressions of time keeping us real submitting to the parties that will try to tug and manage our individual choices into directions maybe not seen as clearly though as brightly shown your options should you choose to accept them and multiple lesser evils that they represented Here in this fair game economy using fiat currency to cancel the people from their individuality as a number caught in the binary systems moving gradually at clockwork rhythms to sustain the entity thus contained, we may call a god if that is what we choose to see as though marshmallow could stay puffed without passing the clout around equally so that everyone in their time gets a chance Here to dance macabre yet realize enchantments for themselves if they seek it as happiness fortune or any other placeholder that happens to fulfill this requisite criteria to some degree that actually works for the peculiar person in particular testing their reality to see if there are any “leaks” within their version that everyone pays their life for in order to exchange as with lotto tickets, faith casting magics of perceived randomness to attempt buying the ticket to take the ride by risking something personal to qualify for the opportunity realigning the forces-that-be in preparation for new exceptions to these laws pressuring a causal conundrum beating dead horses for food when the mutations sense they have the power to make decisions casting out their enemies in advance of conquering intentions starting as a wave ideally in vague shapes after the motion starts to foment from the scars of the dead left as timeless battles rage then subside into an obscured security as time passes out thought dead…
thanks, khet_:/
Posted by :\_khet on January 17th, 2024 in backwash, blogging, critical concepts, Miscellaneous, my art & dreams, personal afflictions, practical theory, rants & raves, world at large. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.