…life subsisting enslaved only to cages of Wage…

…mega debt becomes weapon of warfare reining us in unfairly franchise disaffected by reigning supremacy constant commercial propaganda directed at our insecurities through everyone marked by the extremity Here cutting down once sacred creative forces dancing shrouded in human forms seen as twisted hideous evidence colliding with conscience masking odors of malignant distortion improved with philanthropic experiments though still giving the impression of being compelled to do so by exceptional forces while never having catered cognizance to perilous number games fires us up rogue intuition something fierce when it strikes without first preparing any of us for that step sideways, trying to avoid damaging repercussions that may not be apparent immediately Here diffuse through multiple actors staving off the command which binds over chains into supplemental supplication by absorbing the subtext flying invisible digital data collected connecting to other realms in view through browsers and plastic windows to gather further information and research to continue questing filling the head with random facts and trivial situations compromising statistics evoking to utilize as supportive facts over fiction setting our weaknesses against each other to collaborate urges though without the laboratory as safe space to detonate working blasphemies that should not be consumed, because of how otherwise humans in being many fall apart as involuntary parcel of the experimental nature to this thing we find ourselves singing along with an unassuming naivety initially passing through the unexpected nightmare dissected distracted and severed as devils’ gauntlet worn by those wishing only dark nights for these souls bottle-fed red rubbernecked beaten down and shoved through narrowed tunnel vision of solvency even when there is no solution fluid enough to allow the pursuit of happiness for everyone as so many are marginalized by the systems programmed bias as waves of automatic adapts to the manual transmission… feeding these diseases to each other in seasonal viral catastrophe while culling the herd mentality as much immunity against the fickle fingered fate of nature versus community if one could ever find any that suits them personally perusing through stored glimpses stolen through windows of the soul eyes glittering alluringly suspending disbelief in the inevitable tragedy that arrives Here without much fanfare only gawking and stares glaring in horror at what may appear likened to trainwreck in slow motion or accident waiting to happen standing off to the side until timing is right citing past calamity to frenzy our appetites, accumulated disposable continuum built for destruction pressurized by peers constructively creative with our nastiness while imprisoned this way unwitting puppets pawning off their freedom of movement for vague rewards in regards to loyal service well tendered residues rendered ungodly aspects with no respect to whom they damage savage slander and libel labels used to pap smear campaign painfully whatever sheathes protecting this social experiment with management problems currently under abstruction by figures of damned intention wicked this way coming whose privileged mode of rapture provides ecstatic energism to their demon strata relying on unreliable narrators to wreak havoc over everything, pirate levels of human traffic pillaged in this news age branded by cynical vultures examining the present thinking themselves oracles seeing yet another redundant cycle looking forward to the next naive and thewsome morsels lacking the sinew and spine to crave escape whose innocence will be devoured in ritual sacrifice performed often the states socially-accepted that mirror previous societies believed civil to a point sharpened by the blood spilled from primeval to medieval dominating sensible wisdom throughout history beginning this archive cradled within spectacular expectations what the digiteval age could be Here fostering sciences formed from pretentious accounts of fiction…

thanks, khet_:/

Posted by :\_khet on November 8th, 2024 in critical concepts, personal afflictions, w for Wasm..., world at large. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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