…slack Velvet…

…accepting guilt as your enemy one must be aware of how others may and often will impose casual indecent shame upon any of us whenever the occasion calls for it in their perceptions of the situation perhaps continuously played back on a loop that doesn’t make sense really but don’t start telling them or they might get big egos that won’t fit through doorways anymore we cannot be curious about the ways in which we manifest as you reading this becomes a little bit more infused beyond the artificial structure that houses you and your kind Here among the debris, civil dread as it rises up plague level into people’s heads trying to survive this state frequency transmitting strange charm between subjects believing themselves truly objective as living sensory object abstract and absurd outside knowing the pulse and flowing that envelopes us and our world Here taken for granted randomly somehow too casually to be taken seriously at face value Here sorting through any tragic memories of civilized pasts that have fallen apart sometimes way too easily because of war and deceit moving teams of soldiers many more places than they should have been but these instances can and will repeat, the less we confirm they occurred at all in the faking first place encased as golden example used to measure into rule out appointed anointed targets being offensive enough to take down by whatever means necessitate the ends through imposingly cannibal trials and masturbatory tribulation looping the recycled miasma into different shapes as they apply to utility in phases moving through us substantially enough to provoke deliberate motion beyond merely marionette activities when the strings are footloose at hand for little schemes to branch away into sporadic decision one wishing they could have control over what others remain… playing the power games of our ignorant predecessors both in processing infinite amounts of miscellaneous minutia sorting through the social debris as roles in keeping the story straight in people’s minds who stray into thoughtless abandon especially when tired of the constant pummel and pressure our current systemic scars impress upon us all that we must always be productive and contributing to the overall wealth of our people whoever they may be Here as we are catalytic cosmic controversy interpreting and condensing information as we shift states of being altogether re-calibrating the substance of what it means to be existing, and in essentially pushing revealed boundaries of unknown limits and adapting to alternate techniques ludicrous attitudes built out of lazy ignorance converting ideas into energy subtly varying perspective over time and focused behavior projecting a nuanced outlook on maturity excludes childish hangups and proclivities filtered through similar senses of self as has evolved because of personal experience savored by wannabe saviors who in thinking they can save the world and everyone in it have to affect control by whatever straw men they can grasp with financial security as bargaining chip shoved forward all in though no back up plan, taking risk as part of the system of wagers Here are most of the odds slacked against the old house-of-cards way of doing things and calling it proper contradictory in nature though as much naughty haughty and insecure because of nerves stretched taut shaking this shack loose from its concrete foundations planted in something real enough to break from the still life or least as wandering lust for adventure presenting definite directions desired toward dreamed of fulfillment in individual accomplishment pursued in some way blame shifting about tediously to everyone involved somehow with enough evidence to be properly archived for posterity now…

thanks, khet_:/

Posted by :\_khet on May 2nd, 2024 in backwash, blogging, critical concepts, dark thoughts, Miscellaneous, my art & dreams, personal afflictions, practical theory, rants & raves, v for Vetanda.... You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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