…please Try again later…
…typing my heart out to appease demonic forces whose exorcise anoints us with friction equal to the scraping pace of the snail slowly treading the edge of oblivion dredging up insular dementia to become secular definitions as starting thought forms branching out from central concepts the source distinct in contrast to the spark emitting currency steadily electrifying simple outtakes of humanity caught affront in adverse supposition lagging to absurd terminals of interest determining aspects of our character reacting to multiple compelling renditions of our thoughts obvious means to an end we have focused upon since the middle distance Here concluding, softened gaps between harsh epochs of this dastardly and combative civilization going through phases some would prefer to liken to death throes of a sputtering series of regimes on the road to nowhere by trying to tow the same line as the upgraded to diminish the next generations throwing power back into hands of the immense elderly defense that holds the line that even logan cannot run becoming gatekeepers and key masters but forgetting the locksmith knows best fair prices for necessary features upon boxes and cages required to hold objects as much subjects objectified by those who own them, tensions high sticking random forks in it offensive weight swaggers because fuhk this white noise projecting out scaring those strung taut enough with hatred and resentment illegitimate static cling attaching harbingers of destruction to such demure and unassuming aspects ready to trigger the catalytic act of cataclysm redeeming everyone with the same fate timing out expressions of length and clockwork efficiency channeling something other than this through our words and actions running parallel to abstractions interpreted this way made for the sake of argument presenting enough fuel for mass debate to obscure the intentions or reasons for searching out truth… trite inciting of riotous behavior contradicting the laws rules and regulations to keep us mindful of a controlling interest trafficking in suspect principles whose reality distracts from the fantasy held in high regard today vibrating the frequency by some unwilling to resonate change ticks clock talk unheard voicing their concerns in silent measure of time wondering why though being unable to act frozen still somewhat inanimate life of artifacts lingering around to be idolized or destroyed heirlooms of what was once inspiring to behold now resembles other reminders of tired remnants and past phases of life asserting their spaces Here, offended by those projected smells fears almost feral body odor surrounding pheromonal perimeters arms’ length distance alerting hungry predators of possibilities nearby revel-rout mentality speaking on through lunatic fringe violent frightening instruments knowing the careful sound of stalking gangs whom attempt to capture doing as many of whatever offensive behavior patterns until failed results change to successful hunt peck and click point bang no catch and release policy Here for landing a killing blow will get them their meal or goal again and again control amended by the one pulling the trigger sequence into motion friction causing explosive charge, fits of expression ventilating compression from all sources complicating forward momentum and stalling out progress leaving one vulnerable to being taken out of this blurry raceway filled with fast-moving deadly mechanisms flies buzzing about fatal pressure swarming hive mind focused upon feeding those tasks at hand the energy required in satisfactory completion from someone who knows what they are doing Here learned by experience of so many accidental mistakes or arrogant ignorant blunders imprinting an actual consequence to actions made badly prepared and another naive preoccupation turned negative shocked by the overload back upon one initiating contact as between electrical terminals…
thanks, khet_:/
Posted by :\_khet on July 2nd, 2024 in critical concepts, my art & dreams, personal afflictions, t for Tocsin.... You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.