Transplant blue.

where were we again?… dismayed or repulsed by the repellent behavior we all share, or perhaps wondering what distant reminisce this is to not know, finding out who or what i am to become before i am done… not really aware of any celebratory occasion, but there are many things going on all at once melding of the enmeshed personality strands representing the various formula and equations on a different level of sequence at the same time as the distortion of self rises up and out of the miasma as humanity’s birth, patterns do not give up their secrets that easily however… like maps they need to be read and then re-read before there is a manageable sense of direction, where you are at at any given point in relation to everything else at the same time Here, but travel is skewed by shifting ideas of light and darkness filtering through each other to create varying shades of life from the holiest prismatic mind alive… achieving understanding in the various aspects this human degree to consciousness as we exist side by side forever because even as we arrive in different ages as these creative beings we are today, we are as well the collected works manifesting this concrete timeless feeling, and how else can we explain the alternation between this and that in such sharp karmic contrasts that somehow eliminate the potential energy for all directions into a specific one to drive the conscious soul into a new kinetic move to reveal how this outcome differs from so many others running parallel yet simply not alike in this complex world… knowing and loving are not the same things to perceive, but a combination of these things is always plausible even if there is no proof yet that it exists, the motion of influences swirls all of these indirect energies into synchronous incident that shows we are not truly alone… part of a whole from which we cannot sever permanence without the electric seasons of the soul as more than aliased decision to be defined and counted a whole among the rest of the many, i take a precious grasp for the shroud of ego defiant condition i wish for, but the plans for unbroken continuity to resist the ignorant bliss like a fist to break the glass with a punk rawk glare in the eye takes a twist toward dessert… or distraction, if-you-would, moving the perception off-task and off-guard too quickly to revise… hindsight is always 20/20 from the close distance of Here… nature is an ‘out of context’ game with me, there is always so much more there than i could ever perceive at this state now that is the me i have always been, and never a player in this ruling party scene i favor the close contact in-between others as that deeper connection minus a material form to conflict and abhor the bright token start… a beautiful friendship is what i am all about, however, it is this “beautiful” mind that keeps getting in the way… even without trying, i distort the reality like a breath of air that dares to stay sane and true while the rest of the earth warps around me, and the mystery astonishes individuals who think they are adept at this scientific mojo that keeps us baited and breathing for that next charge of life to come careening down the cause way… stagnancy is so easy when one can’t even cook for themselves or manage many other tasks without some kind of mechanical ease out of repetition as any other work or labor intensive task, a mind and body coordination must be maintained in order for any attempts to not tease that cryptic critical sense out of its cave in your head, and to actively restrict the chaos that tries to manifest as distracting pleasantries for the oppositional individual trying to make or find a valid focus to motivate the gravity to upset this crappy static thing in place of the vital essence… to sustain oneself must remain a solid start…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on July 31st, 2011 in blogging, dark thoughts, rants & raves, subdued wisdom, t for Tocsin.... You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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