
understanding mad spirits takes time and study… feelings of melancholy overwhelm the user as the life/death plateau is reached… thus making minute activities the whole investment of the user’s attention… these spirits easily harm the internal systems when misunderstood… this can come from any number of influences… a carcinogen here, a bout of tar there, but it all can stem from one’s overuse of such stimulus… creating an active allergy in the body that harms the motion of one’s mind and stability… those carcinogens hold the ability to touch upon pure moments of life and death to change a person’s mood and perspective drastically… choices and options to act begin appearing clearer through the preconceived wall of noise that can stunt the progress of awareness… a stick of lung candy can allow the smoker various windows of opportunity where no solution may have formerly stood… the addiction breaks the person when that focus is an added concentrating ability… the body absorbs the painful repugnance, swallows it more appropriately, and gives a false sense of security to the abuser… moderation can work wonders, but few people really honestly practice this teasing rite… the spirits attracted through these devices are chaotic and filthy to behold… not demonic, per say, but the lecherous outgrowth of negative “energy”… when taken into the abusive account at all… the draw remains thick with predisposed habits into the habitat of the habitual… absurd essay abounds as the little insecure bunny goes across the page’s drift… like a sail flowing through the drifting tide with the wind casting a strong gust upon the sea… strange wands, indeed, to swirl and writhe metaphysical gusts through time and space… this lung candy cringe, painful at best to defy, and writhe without crutch through disgraceful woes… those that partake obviously feel guilt from some modern slight to need the quantified lusts for death reveal a terrorized note in the cacophonous humor bringing tumors… where does the sacrifice begin inside this coached betrayal of self?…

Posted by :\_khet on January 19th, 2007 in critical concepts, t for Tocsin.... You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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