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we need do more than insult each other in this life no matter the levels of varying odd stupidity or a smashing of smarts into solving the problems the world endeared itself as a sloppy coordination of facts and lies, homogenized into a comprehensive time bubble built from the inside trying to resonate and expand outside of its barely visible bounds in an attempt to discover what a world like this is really like with all of the organisms as cellular segment within the greater mass as cosmic organism, and it is Here where we have come to finally admit to ourselves that the reality we envision is equal parts already there and manifested and yet rooted in the fantastic leanings of human curiosity opening and solving parts of the collective mystery as we each explore our own path of exception… there are pressures telling us which way to project along the energy toward the others as inflicted and reinforced by the outside laws and their arresting functions whose motions are not certain of truth, in only finding the guilty parties involved and responsible for the outrageous moral conclusions brought upon those convicted by claims of a nefarious taint and acts of debauchery that taste like false witnesses and dirty motives more than an aspect of absolution and righting the wrong that has been committed, and all are invited into this liar’s ball to dance and dine and meet the other people who can feel civilized enough to live like there is no tomorrow to come after today telling each other the stories only we can derive a truth from within… a submission to the workings of this will, as it decides to catapult the self through trial and error to understand what it is that makes these creatures become the things they do, still constrained by the idea that a human being is as easily defined as they are shuffled about between ethics as trends used to place people into windows to display befitting their privilege, and hope renewed to see the good in a person while not the withered stalk from which they grew learning in the dirt and filth to make this way into another life trying to be something different for nothing but an exchange of faiths and real ideals on fate…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on November 19th, 2013 in a for Anagogy..., blogging, dark thoughts, f for Floccinnaucinihilipilification..., g for Galere..., subdued wisdom, t for Tocsin..., world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.