Totally Fucking Weirded Out
seeking a seekers quest on into the stark contrast land and sky cutting a horizon as wide or wider through the air in front of the eyes to see without a question the valid beauty of this nature before them as the sight unfolds the fifty thousand layers of living a righteous life, and then something animated through the detritus we conceive of to produce to somehow tuck us into the place where this space/ time riddle conflicts in distracted path, and can the altered fates this animal of Man whose protrusive curious demeanor means curiosity in urge to conquer ridiculous fears and those apprehensions that try to eat the solo self taken as granted in a universe as full of fellow conquests debated and razed through the ages paid in the wages of sin and a lust for life and terror for mistakes made wading waste-deep in the excrement of the past… while i hunch forward along this horizon line working to support even in the solitary secular human trying to stay alive, and most of the way coming up just short of total success distracted by the elusive turns of phrase already blurring the hazy memories as the drifting dreaming self re-imagines the sensation of the world attempting to remake itself whole, inset similar conflicting ways that require the emboldened person to resist their respective chains to let loose the howl of labors lost to valued scales of power as they shift in and out of the influence with each other testing the limits of human will and endurance as masses struggle to organize themselves to try fighting back against an eerie situation of distress we may realize before it’s too late that we are drowning… being unaware of a detrimental condition may lead to a negative polarity drawing individual persons further into this metaphysical mire which by metaphysical it is meant the entwined form of being taken individually but still developing as the emotional and physical with the mental selves linked together, and each in their own ways staying true to itself and its’ agendas at not just the need for survival that comes into play for the organism attempting to understand the plight of a living being, needing to make these official conscious compacts with these cells in order to maintain it as functioning system…
Posted by Friday on December 31st, 2013 in backwash, blogging, critical concepts, f for Floccinnaucinihilipilification..., o for Onymy..., t for Tocsin..., w for Wasm.... You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.