Wage Rage
the efforts of the cloned are co-opted by the status quo of assimilation owned by the system that fractured us as human beings to begin with taken far beyond the cusp as a youth hostage facing toward terrible truths, we always yearn to know more whether through feelings of guilt or curiosity makes no difference as the innocent inner child stays intact questioning all throughout what most of the growing pains are all about in becoming the idealized version of ourselves at the adult stages, but not all the spotlights will shine upon these actions living on a fringe peripherally as the egocentric mind hovers above these trivial statements of fact that no one wants to hear straight ahead but in a rigged entertaining method to sway public opinion distracted… inspired by the subconscious fray we all find ourselves within thinking shallow swimming sinking in superficially between any strained social contract so worried about communicating with tact the rest of the story, acceptable temporary glory as personal wisdom is passed from a friend translating the journey from soul to soul this information so much more than merely the unbelievable to achieve Here, but we are no mere idiot horde framing up instinct as the flattened tire to logic and intellect sold as advanced solutions when it is the collaboration of those qualities and more that create the functional human being we strive to endure through the grueling chrysalis phases for as pet-like creature transforms into a likeness closer resembling instead the person we perceive ourselves to be… which requires some efficiency in place to officiate where all this energy comes and goes and to whom is let known what as the timing becomes more appropriate unless bought by the state appropriated for exorbitant gains utilized in undermining the truth of a people’s rightful compensation as all of us are entitled to more than just being, an equal compensation for the exorcise of demons wielded in shameless shouting matches at the top of our lungs that as luck would have it fails in the communication of anything more than overt aggression used in place of any conscious reasons to force things to change the ways we would want them as use of emotion bullies function into action disregarding compassion yet again, but a distended heart does not excuse the beating taken literally out into the streets where cries of mercy become inert and silent for ages like another matter swept under the rug left tugging at the selfish snapshots attempting to provoke an empathy from some…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on April 6th, 2014 in blogging, c for Colluvies..., dark thoughts, e for Esemplasy..., f for Floccinnaucinihilipilification..., r for Rheme..., rants & raves, w for Wasm..., world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.